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Department of Computer Science and Technology



Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Hugo Aaronson ha406 FE12 PhD students
Nida Abbasi nia22 SE18 PhD students
Salomey Addo saa92 SN17 PhD students
Daattavya Aggarwal da579 FE08 Research staff
Guy Aglionby ga384 (01223) 7-63558 GS08 PhD students
Mansoor Ahmed-Rengers maa92 SN17 Visitors
Preslav Aleksandrov pa511 SC32 PhD students
Anwaar Ali aa980 GC01 PhD students
David Allsopp dra27 GC01 Visitors
Hesham Almatary hmka2 GE08 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Ricardo Almeida rmd71 GC01 Visitors
Rami Aly rmya2 GS06 PhD students
Michael Amir ma2151 SN05 Research staff
Øistein Andersen oa223 (01223) 7-67010 GS24 Research staff
Helena Andres Terre ha376 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Gianni Antichi ga288 SE06 Visitors
Rika Antonova ra702 GC01 Visitors
Mahwish Arif ma843 SC08 PhD students
Alasdair Armstrong aa2019 FS12 Research staff
Maliha Ashraf ma905 SS14 Research staff
Jose Gilberto Atondo Siu jga33 GE23 PhD students
Minja Axelsson mwa29 (01223) 7-63732 SE18 PhD students
Ruben Ayrapetyan ra584 GC33 Visitors
Tiago Azevedo tmla2 SE12 Research staff


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Jean Bacon (emeritus) jmb25 (01223) 3-34604 FS02 Faculty
Sarah Bainsfair sf516 (01223) 3-34616 GC15 Professional Services Staff
Rosie Baish rvb30 GE08 Research staff
Stefanos Bakirtzis ssb45 SN21 PhD students
Batuhan Bal bb637 GC01 Intern
John Baldwin jhb61 GE15 Visitors
Rini Banerjee rb2018 FS14 PhD students
Soumya Banerjee sb2333 FC01 Research staff
Pietro Barbiero pb737 (01223) 7-69025 GC01 Visitors
Ronita Bardhan rb867 GC01 Visitors
Graeme Barnes gpb12 GC33 Visitors
Daniel Bates db434 GC01 Visitors
Nick Batterham nb110 (01223) 3-35445 GC12 Professional Services Staff
Thomas Bauereiss tb592 (01223) 7-63545 FS08 Research staff
Ahmet Baykal acb228 SE18 PhD students
Jasmine Bayrooti jgb52 SN05 PhD students
Luca Benedetto lb990 GS04 Research staff
Thibaut Benjamin tjb201 FS24 Research staff
Nick Benton pnb14 FS08 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Alastair Beresford arb33 (01223) 7-63597 SN10 Faculty
Anaïs Berkes amcb6 FW01 PhD students
David Berry dgb37 (01223) 7-63537 FE13 PhD students
Matteo Bettini mb2389 SN05 PhD students
Daniel Beutel db849 SC35 PhD students
Siddharth Bhat sb2743 SE01 PhD students
Akshay Bhosale asb227 SC07 Research staff
Ander Biguri-Alonso-De-Lecinana ab2860 GC01 Visitors
Camilla Billari cgb47 GC01 Visitors
Alan Blackwell afb21 (01223) 3-34418 SS10 Faculty
Peter Blandford-Baker psb34 GE17 PhD students
Jenny Blessing vcb32 GE14 PhD students
Jan Blumenkamp jb2270 SN05 PhD students
Markus Böck mb2663 SE05 Research staff
Stig Erik Bodin sepb2 FE11 Research staff
Cristian Bodnar cb2015 GC01 PhD students
Matthias Boettcher mb2109 GC33 Visitors
Erika Bondareva eb729 FN01 PhD students
Utpal Bora ub230 SC07 Research staff
Nicholas Boucher ndb40 GC01 Visitors
Justas Brazauskas jb2328 SS06 PhD students
Catherine Breslin cb404 FC04 Visitors
Ted Briscoe ejb1 GC01 Visitors
Piete Brooks pb22 GC16 Professional Services Staff
Edward Brown ejeb4 SC32 PhD students
Jacob Brown jeab2 SN14 Research staff
Jason Brown jrb239 SE25 PhD students
Christopher Bryant cjb255 (01223) 7-63551 GS24 Visitors
Ruslan Bukin rb743 (01223) 7-63650 GE12 Research staff
Celia Burns cb801 (01223) 7-63828 GC05 Professional Services Staff
David Buterez db804 FC03 PhD students
Kayla Butkow kjb85 FN01 Research staff
Paula Buttery pjb48 (01223) 7-63832 GS16 Faculty
Thomas Bytheway tb403 (01223) 7-63657 SC11 Professional Services Staff
Stefan Kambiz skb67 Visitors


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Christian Cabrera Jojoa chc79 (01223) 7-67083 FN19 Research staff
Yancheng Cai yc613 SS04 PhD students
Andrew Caines apc38 (01223) 7-63733 GS04 Research staff
Alex Campbell ajrc4 FC14 PhD students
Brian Campbell bac52 FS12 Visitors
Rui Cao rc990 GS19 Research staff
Lucian Carata lc525 GC01 Visitors
Gaia Carenini gc645 FE12 PhD students
Annabelle Carrell ac2411 (01223) 7-63555 FE08 PhD students
Stewart Carswell stc40 (01223) 7-63799 SE15 Professional Services Staff
Francesco Ceccarelli fc485 FE10 PhD students
Mario Cekic mc821 GC01 Visitors
Alexandra Chadwick awc32 SC07 Research staff
Eric Chamoun ec806 GS24 PhD students
Sophie Chapman smc70 FW14 Staff
Shreya Chappidi src82 GC01 PhD students
Caroline Chater cb580 FC04 Professional Services Staff
Bin Chen bc591 SS22 Visitors
Binjie Chen bc571 FC03 Research staff
Chen Chen cc2181 FN07 Research staff
Haofei Chen hc676 SW02 Intern
Mingle Chen mc2262 SW02 Research staff
Yiwen Chen yc429 (01223) 7-63571 GS08 PhD students
Yulong Chen yc632 GS10 Research staff
Jianyi Cheng jc2489 SE14 Research staff
Julius Cheng jncc3 (01223) 7-67031 GS37 PhD students
Jiaee Cheong jc2208 GC01 PhD students
Katharine Childs ksc46 GC01 Visitors
David Chisnall dc552 GE10 Visitors
Anna Chop ac2564 (01223) 7-63581 GC01 Professional Services Staff
Vikraman Choudhury vc378 GC01 Visitors
Nikhil Churamani nc528 SS08 Visitors
Luke Church lec40 SS06 Affiliated Lecturers
Luisa Cicolini lc985 SE01 Research staff
Mathias Ciliberto mc2514 FN01 Research staff
Melody Clark msc66 GC01 Visitors
Jessica Clarke jrtc4 GE08 Research staff
Richard Clayton rnc1 GE21 Research staff
Ben Collier bjc63 GC01 Visitors
Marios Constantinides mc2178 GC01 Visitors
David Coomes dac18 GC01 Visitors
Ann Copestake aac10 GS20 Faculty
Nathan Corbyn nc513 FS35 Visitors
Ryan Cotterell rdc42 GC01 Visitors
Chau Crawford cc2286 SW02 Intern
Kian Cross kc642 GE08 PhD students
Jon Crowcroft jac22 FN13 Faculty
Veronica Cucuiat vc429 GC01 Visitors
Stephen Cummins sac92 SN27 Research staff
Nicholas Cutler ncc25 GC01 Professional Services Staff
Adam Ó Conghaile ac891 GC01 PhD students


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Wei Da wd312 FN07 PhD students
Oluwatomisin Dada oid20 FE08 PhD students
Anatole Dahan ad929 FE22 Research staff
Michael Dales mwd24 FW15 Research staff
Robin Daniels rcd54 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Ryan Daniels rkd43 FC04 Professional Services Staff
Matthew Danish mrd45 FE25 Visitors
Ian Davies ipd21 SN27 Research staff
Brooks Davis bed22 GE15 Visitors
Chris Davis ccd38 GS24 Research staff
Anuj Dawar ad260 (01223) 3-34408 FE20 Faculty
Shelley Day-Sclater sd238 GC01 Visitors
Jo de Bono jd670 (01223) 3-34607 GC08 Professional Services Staff
Davi De-Castro-Silva dd654 FC15 Visitors
Ramit Debnath rd545 GC01 Visitors
Christian Deegan cd882 GC01 Intern
Zhenyun Deng zd302 GS19 Research staff
Richard Diehl Martinez rd654 GS08 PhD students
Ali Digby ajd204 (01223) 7-63662 GW04 Professional Services Staff
Dean Dodds drr29 (01223) 7-63505 GC04 Professional Services Staff
Neil Dodgson nad10 GC01 Visitors
Fethiye Irmak Dogan fid21 SS08 Research staff
Petr Dolezal pd423 GC01 PhD students
Diane Dowling dd597 GC01 Visitors
Irina Dudina id393 FS12 Visitors
Jessie Durk jd871 SN27 Research staff
Iulia Duta id366 SE04 PhD students
Hridoy Sankar Dutta hsd30 (01223) 7-63685 GE23 Visitors


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Chelsea Edmonds cle47 (01223) 7-63737 GC01 PhD students
Carl Henrik Ek che29 (01223) 7-63709 FE09 Faculty
Ioannis Eleftheriadis ie257 (01223) 7-63680 FE21 PhD students
Moshe Eliasof me532 GC01 Visitors
Mark Elliott mwe24 GS22 PhD students
Kate Ellis kw10006 (01223) 3-31786 GC05 Professional Services Staff
Mark Elvers mte24 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Guy Emerson gete2 GS20 Fellows
Dimitrije Erdeljan de298 GE14 Visitors
Marton Erdos me412 SC07 Research staff
Mateo Espinosa Zarlenga me466 (01223) 7-63533 FE14 PhD students
Ali Etemad sae47 SS12 VisitingFellow
Aidan Evans ate26 FE22 PhD students


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Hongxiang Fan hf384 SC32 Visitors
Youmna Farag yf273 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Mariano Felice mf501 GC01 Visitors
Andrea Ferlini af679 (01223) 7-63740 GC01 PhD students
Javier Fernandez-Marques jf708 SC32 Visitors
Felipe Ferreira Santos ff334 GC01 PhD students
Gavin Ferris grf10 GC01 Visitors
Patrick Ferris pf341 FN06 PhD students
Nathaniel Filardo nwf20 (01223) 7-63729 GE10 Visitors
Arduin Findeis af691 FN07 PhD students
Michael Fink Amores mcf61 SN17 PhD students
Marcelo Fiore mpf23 (01223) 3-34622 FE19 Faculty
Paris Flood pdlf3 (01223) 7-63692 FE14 PhD students
Shaked Flur sf502 FS20 Visitors
Kyle Fogarty ktf25 SS16 PhD students
Helen Francis hjf37 (01223) 7-63585 GE07 Professional Services Staff
Franz Fuchs faf28 SC11 Research staff


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Laurie Gale lpg28 SN17 PhD students
Salvator Galea sg774 SE06 PhD students
Diana Galvan Sosa dg693 GS24 Research staff
Dapeng Gao dg612 GE12 PhD students
Hongyun Gao hg470 SE25 PhD students
Yan Gao yg381 (01223) 7-63683 SC32 Research staff
Yuan Gao yg386 GS24 PhD students
Zhan Gao zg292 SN05 Research staff
Rachel Gardner rg580 (01223) 7-63745 GE02 Professional Services Staff
Gabrielle Gaudeau gjg34 GS06 PhD students
Dobrik Georgiev dgg30 FE23 PhD students
Jad Ghalayini jeg74 (01223) 7-63532 FS04 PhD students
Abhirup Ghosh ag2187 GC01 Visitors
Ryan Gibb rtg24 FN06 PhD students
Jennifer Gielis jag233 SN05 PhD students
Gillian Gill gtg25 (01223) 3-34718 GE04 Professional Services Staff
Fazilet Gokbudak fg405 SS15 PhD students
Taesik Gong tg522 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Zébulon Goriely zg258 01223763674 GS08 PhD students
Paul Gotch prg30 GC33 Visitors
Mark Gotham mrhg2 SS06 Visitors
Lise Gough lmg30 (01223) 3-34656 FS05 Professional Services Staff
Gabriele Gradoni gg530 (01223) 7-63624 SN21 VisitingFellow
Andreas Grammenos ag926 FN15 Industrial Departmental Visitor
David Greaves djg11 (01223) 3-34636 FN12 Faculty
Katherine Green kmmg2 FE08 PhD students
Timothy Griffin (emeritus) tgg22 FN21 Faculty
Richard Grisenthwaite rg633 GC33 Visitors
James Gross jrg80 FN04 Visitors
Tobias Grosser tcg40 SC12 Faculty
Ongar Gulati og309 FW15 PhD students
Hatice Gunes hg410 (01223) 7-63684 SS12 Faculty
Siyuan Guo syg26 FN10 PhD students
Yuxin Guo yg413 SC07 PhD students
Zhijiang Guo zg283 (01223) 7-63736 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Zhilin Guo zg296 SS16 PhD students
Tom Gur tg508 FC10 Faculty
Jonathan Gustafsson Frennert jehg2 SN04 Research staff
Brett Gutstein bg357 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Chris Hadley ckh11 (01223) 3-34686 GC01 Visitors
Tanya Hall tnh23 (01223) 3-34631 GE05 Professional Services Staff
Angus Hammond ah805 (01223) 7-63646 FS16 Research staff
Dounia Hammou dh706 SE18 PhD students
Jing Han jh2298 FN01 Research staff
Param Hanji pmh64 GC01 Visitors
Robert Harle rkh23 (01223) 7-67019 SN09 Faculty
Anthony Harris awh28 GC01 Visitors
Charles Harris cch57 (01223) 7-63698 SE04 PhD students
Timothy Harris tlh20 GC01 Affiliated Lecturers
David Hartley dfh1 GC01 Visitors
Emma Harvey eh682 GC01 Intern
Apinan Hasthanasombat ah953 GC01 Visitors
Guoliang He gh512 FE01 PhD students
Jiang He jh347 (01223) 3-34759 GC12 Professional Services Staff
Bea Healy tah56 SE01 PhD students
Karoline Heiwolt kh790 SS13 Professional Services Staff
Konstantin Hemker kh701 FC14 PhD students
Steven Herbert sjh227 FS09 Affiliated Lecturers
Tony Hoare carh4 GC01 Visitors
Amelia Holcomb ah2174 GC01 PhD students
Sean Holden sbh11 (01223) 7-63725 FC06 Faculty
Tomasz Hollanek th536 GC01 Affiliated Lecturer
Andy Hopper (emeritus) ah12 SN31 Faculty
Heidi Howard hh360 GC01 Visitors
Timo Hromadka th716 FE04 Research staff
Yulong Huang yh419 FS13 PhD students
Anna Ida Hudig haih2 FW15 PhD students
Daniel Hugenroth dh623 (01223) 7-69058 SN17 Research staff
Christopher Hughes ch606 SE01 Visitors
Jack Hughes joh32 GE23 Research staff
Nicki Humphry-Baker nh357 SN10 Visitors
Harriet Hunnable hh555 FW14 Professional Services Staff
Warren Hunt wh229 FS10 Visitors
Dan Hunter dmdh2 (01223) 7-63631 GE04 Professional Services Staff
Chung-Kil (Gil) Hur ckh25 FS17 Visitors
Ferenc Huszár fh277 (01223) 7-63626 FE03 Faculty
Alice Hutchings ah793 (01223) 7-63660 GE22 Faculty
Rowan Maudslay rh635 GS06 PhD students


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Alexandru-Andrei Iacob aai30 SC32 PhD students
Dan Andrei Iliescu dai24 GC01 PhD students
Konstantinos Ioannidis ki287 GC01 Visitors
Al Isstaif aati2 FN07 PhD students
Hana Iza Kim hi266 SW02 Intern


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Sadiq Jaffer sj514 FW01 Research staff
Jasmin Jahic jj542 (01223) 7-63584 GC01 Visitors
Aditya Jain aj722 FC15 Research staff
Rishabh Jain rj412 SN05 PhD students
Mateja Jamnik mj201 (01223) 7-63587 FC18 Faculty
Lisa Jardine-Wright ljw21 SN10 Visitors
Andrew Jeffery apj39 FN07 PhD students
Graeme Jenkinson gcj21 GE10 Visitors
Chris Jensen cjj39 FN07 PhD students
Albert Jiang qj213 (01223) 7-63749 FC12 PhD students
Xiangjian Jiang xj265 FC07 PhD students
Youhe Jiang yj367 FE01 PhD students
Zhuo Ying Jiang Li zyj20 GE15 PhD students
Alexandre Joannou aj443 SC18 Research staff
Claire Johnson cj506 GC01 Visitors
Martyn Johnson maj1 GC01 Visitors
Mark Johnston mj537 GC01 Research staff
Scott Jones sj665 SW02 Intern
Timothy Jones tmj32 SC03 Faculty
Chaitanya Joshi ckj24 SE12 PhD students


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
David Kaloper Mersinjak dk505 FS13 Research staff
Evangelia Kalyvianaki ek264 FN15 Faculty
Ohad Kammar ok259 FS09 Visitors
Georgi Karadzhov gmk34 (01223) 7-63807 GS37 Research staff
Ben Karniely bdk25 (01223) 7-63734 GE02 Professional Services Staff
Fahim Kawsar fk321 GC01 Visiting Industrial Fellow
Ilya Kaysin ik404 (01223) 7-67012 FS06 Research staff
Dmitry Kazhdan dk525 (01223) 7-63748 FE14 PhD students
Andrew Ke ayk27 SW02 Intern
Alex Keizer ack55 SE01 PhD students
Stephen Kell srk31 FS12 Visitors
Srinivasan Keshav sk818 (01223) 7-67789 FN04 Faculty
David Khachaturov dgk27 GE17 PhD students
Dongyeon Kim dk721 SE18 Research staff
Oisin Kim osmk3 FE08 PhD students
Diana Kirby dgk21 GC01 Visitors
Martin Kleppmann mk428 GE17 Faculty
Ceren Kocaogullar ck596 (01223) 7-63530 SN17 PhD students
Ekaterina Kochmar ek358 GC01 Visitors
Roman Kolcun rk647 (01223) 3-34647 FN07 Research staff, Affiliated Lecturers
Julia Komorowska ujk21 FC16 PhD students
Michalis Korakakis mk2008 GS37 PhD students
Ryan Kortvelesy rk627 SN05 PhD students
Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki ak2110 (01223) 7-63620 FE22 Visitors
Daria Kovalenko dk734 GC11 Staff
Faustyna Krawiec fmk31 (01223) 7-63590 FS06 Visitors
Neel Krishnaswami nk480 (01223) 7-63617 FS15 Faculty
Adam Kucz ask58 FE13 PhD students
Atticus Kuhn ak2518 SE05 Intern
Markus Kuhn mgk25 (01223) 3-34676 GE16 Faculty
Meghdad Kurmanji mk2296 SC32 Research staff
Young Kwon ydk21 FN01 PhD students


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Guy Laban gl538 SS08 Research staff
Nicholas Lane ndl32 SC35 Faculty
Harry Langford hjel2 SW02 Intern
Stefanos Laskaridis sl829 SC35 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Nils Lauermann nl429 FS18 PhD students
Ben Laurie bl341 GE15 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Neil Lawrence ndl21 (01223) 7-63798 FE05 Faculty
Katherine Leckie kmc34 (01223) 7-63818 GE02 Professional Services Staff
Brian Lee ckl47 SW02 Intern
De Sheng Royson Lee dsrl2 SC32 Research staff
Michael Lee mjll2 FS09 Intern
Michelle (Seng Ah) Lee sal87 GC01 Visitors
Meven Lennon-Bertrand mgapb2 FS18 Research staff
Hayley Leonard hl323 GC01 Visitors
Pietro Lesci pl487 (01223) 7-63677 GS08 Research staff
Ian Leslie iml1 GC01 Visitors
Margaret Levitt mal10 GC07 Visitors
Ian Lewis ijl20 (01223) 3-31859 SE13 Visitors, Affiliated Lecturers
Han-Bo Li hbl26 FE08 PhD students
Wenda Li wl302 (01223) 7-63768 GC01 Visitors
Wenxuan Li wl446 GC01 ACS
Yufeng Li yl959 FE15 PhD students
Hanxue Liang hl589 SS20 Research staff
Yilei Liang yl841 FN07 PhD students
Minli Liao ml2076 SC10 Research staff
Katie Light kcl36 (01223) 7-63579 FC04 Professional Services Staff
Pietro Liò pl219 (01223) 7-63604 FC20 Faculty
Madeline Lisaius mcl66 PhD students
Haochen Liu hl663 FE04 Research staff
Yang Liu yl868 FN01 Research staff
Yaru Liu yl962 SS04 PhD students
Joycelyn Longdon jl2182 SS06 PhD students
Alexandre Lopoukhine al666 SE01 PhD students
Jon Ludlam jjl25 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor, AL
Anton Lydike al2237 SE05 Visitors


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Anil Madhavapeddy avsm2 (01223) 7-63611 FW16 Faculty
Lucie Magister lcm67 SE04 PhD students
Marwa Mahmoud mmam3 GC01 Visitors
Sharan Maiya sm2783 GC01 Visitors
Dhruv Makwana dcm41 (01223) 7-63689 FS04 Research staff
Mike Mamalakis mm2703 GC01 Visitors
Jessica Man psjm3 FW15 PhD students
Chaitanya Mangla cm772 (01223) 7-63572 FC17 PhD students
Rafal Mantiuk rkm38 (01223) 7-63831 SS22 Faculty
Joseph March jgm45 SE18 PhD students
Mila Marcheva mmm67 GS22 PhD students
Andrei Margeloiu am2770 (01223) 7-63789 FC05 PhD students
William Marino wlm27 SC35 PhD students
Andrea Marinoni am2920 SS24 Visitors
Tina Marjanov tm794 GE23 PhD students
Ioannis Markakis im496 FS35 PhD students
Theo Markettos atm26 SC11 Research staff, Affiliated Lecturers
Ursula Martin um200 GC01 Distinguished Honorary Fellow
Pelham Martinez-Lainez ppm37 (01223) 7-63603 GC14 Professional Services Staff
Cecilia Mascolo cm542 FN08 Faculty
Louis Massuard lm342 (01223) 7-63786 GW03 Professional Services Staff
Simon Mathis svm34 (01223) 7-63648 SE04 PhD students
Urška Matjašec um234 FC12 PhD students
Sarah Matthews sm2655 (01223) 3-34628 SN11 Professional Services Staff
Alfredo Mazzinghi am2419 (01223) 3-34440 GC13 Research staff
Hope Mc Govern hem52 GS08 PhD students
Derek McAuley drm10 GC01 Visitors
Martin McDonnell mjm65 (01223) 7-63696 GW09 Professional Services Staff
Stewart McTavish sam56 GE01 Affiliated Lecturers
Eric Meissner erm70 (01223) 7-69024 FE04 PhD students
Kayvan Memarian km569 (01223) 7-63559 FS14 Research staff
Robin Message rhm31 GC01 Visitors
Anna Mészáros am3049 FE22 PhD students
Paul Metzger pffm2 (01223) 7-63649 SE14 Research staff
Helen Milton hem28 (01223) 7-63508 GC11 Professional Services Staff
Aida Miralaei am2457 SC10 PhD students
Viktor Mirjanic vvm22 FC03 Research staff
Challenger Mishra cm2099 (01223) 7-63671 FC01 Fellows, Affiliated Lecturers
Carlos Molina-Jimenez cm770 FN10 Research staff
Yoàv Montacute ym374 GC01 PhD students
Ken Moody (emeritus) km10 (01223) 3-34625 FS02 Faculty
Andrew Moore awm22 441223763446 SC14 Faculty
Russell Moore rjm49 GS22 Research staff
Simon Moore swm11 (01223) 3-34657 SC06 Faculty
Steven Morad sm2558 SN05 PhD students
Sarah Morgan sem91 FC01 Fellows
Richard Mortier rmm1002 (01223) 3-34419 FN17 Faculty
Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martin fm611 GS02 Faculty
Karl Mose km781 SE25 PhD students
Jacob Moss jm2311 (01223) 7-63793 FC03 PhD students
Robert Mullins rdm34 SE21 Faculty
Prakash Murali pm830 SE23 Faculty
Steven Murdoch sjm217 GE15 Visitors
Aamir Mustafa am2806 GC01 PhD students
Alan Mycroft (emeritus) am21 FC08 Faculty
Magnus Myreen mom22 FS08 Visitors


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Salim Nader sn681 SW02 Intern
hazem Nakib hdn23 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Sam Nallaperuma Herzberg snn26 FC01 Research staff
Edward Napierala en322 GE17 Research staff
Matthew Naylor mn416 SE14 Research staff
Helen Neal hn316 (01223) 3-34420 GC04 Professional Services Staff
Peter Neumann pn271 GE15 Visitors
George Neville-Neil gn264 GE15 Visitors
Li Nguyen nhbn2 GS22 Visitors
Aga Niewiadomska an578 (01223) 7-63818 GE02 Professional Services Staff
Carol Nightingale cs219 (01223) 3-34684 GE03 Professional Services Staff
Omer Nivron on234 SS26 PhD students
Alex Norcliffe alin2 SE04 PhD students
Robert Norton-Wright rmn30 FS10 Industrial Departmental Visitor


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Jack O'Connor jo496 FE12 PhD students
Diarmuid O'Seaghdha do242 GC01 Visiting Industrial Fellow
Peter Ochieng po304 FE11 Fellows
Wilfred Offord wgbo2 FS24 PhD students
Keisuke Okumura ko393 SN04 Visitors
Euan Ong elyro2 FE07 Research staff
Felix Opolka flo23 (01223) 7-63634 GC01 PhD students
Dominic Orchard dao29 FE25 DoR
Indigo Orton ijdo2 GC01 PhD students
Nedjma Ousidhoum ndo24 GS17 Visitors
Charlotte Out ceo33 FC13 PhD students
Cengiz Oztireli aco41 (01223) 3-34658 SS18 Faculty


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Philip Paeps pp354 GE15 Staff
Benedikt Pago btp26 FE21 Research staff
Andrei Paleyes ap2169 FE04 Visitors
Shrankhla Pandey sp2147 FE08 PhD students
Yanna Papadodimitraki yp301 GE20 Research staff
Titouan Parcollet tmdp2 GC01 Affiliated Lecturers
Raghul Parthipan rp542 SS26 PhD students
Matthew Patterson mbp36 SN14 Professional Services Staff
Tomas Paulik tp530 SC32 PhD students
Lawrence Paulson lp15 FE18 Faculty
Elinor Pegler ep742 FE11 Visitors
Chun-Yu Peng cyp24 (01223) 7-63607 GE06 PhD students
Thibaut Perami tp496 FS18 PhD students
Roland Perera rntp2 FE25 Research staff
Simon Peyton Jones spj30 GC01 Distinguished Honorary Fellow
Jean Pichon jp622 GC01 Visitors
Tiago Pimentel Martins Da Silva tp472 (01223) 7-63627 GC01 PhD students
William Pinkerton wp282 GC01 Intern
Andrew Pitts (emeritus) amp12 FC08 Faculty
Meghan Plumridge map205 SC32 PhD students
Gasper Podobnik gp518 FC07 Visitors
Rowan Poklewski-Koziell rop24 FS20 PhD students
Tamara Polajnar tp366 GC01 Visitors
Diana Popescu dap53 GC01 Visitors
Alexandra Porter arp86 GE15 Professional Services Staff
Jovan Powar jsp50 GC01 Visitors
Amanda Prorok asp45 (01223) 7-63593 SN13 Faculty
Christopher Pulte cp526 FS14 Research staff
Skye Purchase atp45 SN14 Research staff
Carlos Purves cp614 SE12 PhD students
Drew Purves dwp20 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
KEHAI Qiu kq218 (01223) 7-63628 SN21 PhD students
Xinchi Qiu xq227 SC32 Research staff


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Daniel Raggi dr495 (01223) 7-63642 FC07 Research staff
Ninad Rajgopal nr549 FC15 Research staff
Nitarshan Rajkumar nr500 (01223) 3-34630 FC04 PhD students
Sanjiv Ranchod sr2008 FE15 PhD students
Achintya Rao amr217 GC01 Research staff
Tom Ratsakatika trr26 FW01 Visitors
Aditya Ravuri ar847 (01223) 7-63773 FE08 PhD students
Marek Rei mr472 GS22 Visitors
Alastair Reid ar891 FS12 Visitors
Alex Rice aar53 FS35 PhD students
Andrew Rice acr31 SN31 Faculty
Martin Richards (emeritus) mr10 (01223) 3-34633 FS02 Faculty
Alex Richardson alr48 (01223) 7-63512 GE15 Visitors
June Rix jew46 (01223) 7-63849 FW14 Professional Services Staff
Georgios Rizos gr482 FN01 Research staff
Saman Rizvi sr2004 GC01 Visitors
Diana Robinson dmpr3 FE04 Research staff
Peter Robinson (emeritus) pr10 GC01 Faculty
Emma Rocheteau ecr38 GC01 PhD students
Mike Roe mr101 (01223) 7-63502 GC13 Research staff
Bogdan Roman abr28 GC01 Visitors
Joy Rook jlr59 (01223) 3-34652 FS03 Professional Services Staff
Gregory Rosenthal gar52 FC15 Visitors
Robert Rouse rer44 SN27 Research staff
Peter Rugg pdr32 SC18 Research staff
Kateryna Rybalochka kr535 (01223) 7-63843 FS03 Professional Services Staff
Fredrik Rømming fr409 FE10 PhD students


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Luis Saavedra del Toro las91 (01223) 763672 SN17 PhD students
Vadim Safronov vs451 FN07 PhD students
Lorenzo Sani ls985 SC32 PhD students
Kazi Sanim kris2 SN04 Research staff
Advait Sarkar as2006 GC01 Affiliated Lecturers
Chiara Sarti cs2197 FS20 PhD students
Thomas Sauerwald tms41 (01223) 7-63538 FC11 Faculty
Batuhan Sayis bs661 GC01 Visitors
Helen Scarborough hs488 (01223) 3-34609 GC03 Professional Services Staff
Michael Schapira ms2963 FN13 Visitors
Paul Scherer pms69 FE10 Research staff
Michael Schlichtkrull mss84 (01223) 7-67082 GC01 Visitors
Bianca Schor bgss2 SS06 PhD students
Annabelle Scott as599 GE02 Visitors
Malcolm Scott mas90 (01223) 7-63658 FN16 Professional Services Staff
Liam Self lms213 SN21 PhD students
Omer Sella oss22 FS09 PhD students
Radzim Sendyka rs2071 FN19 Research staff
Sue Sentance ss2600 (01223) 3-34613 SN16 Research staff
Peter Sewell pes20 FS10 Faculty
Thomas Sewell tals4 GC01 Visitors
Metin Tevfik Sezgin mts33 SS18 Visitors
Nihil Shah nas54 FE21 Research staff
Zohreh Shams zs315 FC05 VisitingFellow
Murray Shanahan ms971 GS20 VisitingFellow
Ajay Shankar as3233 SN05 Research staff
James Sharkey jps79 (01223) 7-63600 SN14 Research staff
David Sheets dwws2 FS06 PhD students
Fangzheng (Bill) Shen fs604 SC35 PhD students
Bonnie Sheppard bts31 GE02 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Alexandre Shinebourne ajs361 GC01 Visitors
Emily Shuckburgh efs20 SN25 Faculty
Ilia Shumailov is410 GC01 Visitors
Nikola Simidjievski ns779 (01223) 7-63778 FC05 VisitingFellow
Ben Simner bs630 FS18 Research staff
Jat Singh js573 (01223) 7-63690 FN21 Research staff
Satnam Singh ss2072 SE06 Visitors
Zakir Singh zs391 FN19 PhD students
Andrew Slattery aws46 FE23 Research staff
Anna Slobodova as971 FS10 Visitors
Agnieszka Slowik as2832 GC01 PhD students
Lee Smith ls767 GC33 Visitors
Stacey Son sds62 GC01 Visitors
Hanni Sondermann hes24 FC04 Staff
Siyang Song ss2796 GC01 Visitors
Zhiyuan Song zs393 GC01 PhD students
Derek Sorensen ds885 (01223) 7-69057 FE23 PhD students
William Sorensen ws423 SW02 Intern
Victor Souza vss28 FC15 Research staff
Dimitris Spathis ds806 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Micol Spitale ms2871 (01223) 7-63765 GC01 Visitors
Sudarshan Sreeram ss3122 FN01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Quentin Stafford-Fraser qs101 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Frank Stajano fms27 email preferred but 67013 SN15 Faculty
Ieva Staliunaite irs38 GS24 PhD students
Kamilė Stankevičiūtė ks830 FE08 PhD students
Gem Stapleton ges55 GC01 Visitors
Ian Stark idbs1 FS12 Visitors
Samuel Stark sws35 SC11 PhD students
Yiannos Stathopoulos yas23 (01223) 7-63601 FE22 Visitors
S. Steenkamp scs62 (01223) 7-63632 GC01 PhD students
Sofij Stefanovic ss2536 SS06 PhD students
Jon Sterling js2878 FE24 Faculty
Caroline Stewart cb210 (01223) 3-34603 GC07 Professional Services Staff
Domagoj Stolfa ds815 (01223) 3-34643 GE10 Research staff
Rebecca Straw rs2150 (01223) 3-34639 GC06 Professional Services Staff
Marek Strelec ms2518 FS09 PhD students
David Strohmaier ds858 GS22 Research staff
Jake Stuchbury-Wass js2372 FN01 PhD students
Sathyawageeswar Subramanian ss2310 FC15 Research staff
Tudor Suciu ts809 SS26 PhD students
Dinithi Sumanaweera dns32 GC01 Visitors
Weiwei Sun ws390 (01223) 3-34627 GS12 Faculty
Xianda Sun xs307 GC01 Visitors
Ariadne Suo ss3039 FS04 Research staff
Filip Svoboda fs437 SC35 Research staff
Kata Szabo ks2162 GE02 Staff
Dima Szamozvancev ds709 (01223) 7-63679 FS13 Research staff
Alejandro Sztrajman as3432 SE18 Visitors


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Anna Talas at2008 GE14 Research staff
Justin Tan jt796 FE08 PhD students
Ian Tang cit27 GC01 PhD students
Zahra Tarkhani zt233 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Shiva Taslimipoor st797 (01223) 7-67014 GS24 Research staff
Calin Tataru ct608 FS35 PhD students
Simone Teufel sht25 GS14 Faculty
Pierre Thodoroff pt440 FE04 PhD students
Daniel Thomas drt24 GE22 Visitors
Meurig Thomas mlt47 SN14 Research staff
Yuta Tokusashi yt341 GC01 Visitors
Dann Toliver drt36 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Taner Topal tt455 GC01 Visitors
Jay Torry jt847 FW01 PhD students
Christopher Town cpt23 (01223) 7-63686 GC01 Affiliated Lecturers
Eleanor Toye Scott eft20 FW14 Research staff
Matthew Trew mwt34 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Kieron Ivy Turk kst36 GE23 PhD students
Andrew Turner at718 GE15 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Gladys Tyen whgt2 GS06 PhD students


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Szilvia Ujváry sru23 FE22 PhD students
Raoul Urma rgu20 GC01 Visiting Industrial Fellow, AL


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Moe Vali mv487 GC01 Research staff
Josef Valvoda jv406 (01223) 7-67029 GC01 PhD students
Keith Van Rijsbergen cvr1 GC01 Visitors
Francisco Vargas fav25 FE04 PhD students
Diana Vasile dac53 (01223) 7-67086 GC01 Industrial Departmental Visitor
Anna Vaughan av555 SC32 PhD students
Sotirios Vavaroutas sv455 FN01 PhD students
Eva Vecchi ev296 GS20 Visitors
Petar Veličković pv273 GC01 Affiliated Lecturers
Jamie Vicary jv258 (01223) 7-63510 FS22 Faculty
Smita Vijaya Kumar sv440 (01223) 7-63735 GC01 PhD students
Ramon Viñas Torné rv340 (01223) 7-63661 FE12 PhD students
Hugo Vincent hjmv2 GC33 Visitors
Mala Virdee mv490 FN19 PhD students
Amogh Vishwakarma av670 SW02 Intern
Andreas Vlachos av308 (01223) 7-63704 GS17 Faculty
Viet Anh Vu vv301 GE Research staff


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Jane Waite jw2251 GC01 Visitors
Raymond Wang cw829 GS10 Research staff
Taiyi Wang tw557 (01223) 7-63746 FE01 PhD students
Yuecheng Wang yw737 SC11 Research staff
Ian Wassell ijw24 (01223) 7-67026 SN06 Faculty
Mark Wassell mpew2 GC01 PhD students
Robert Watson rnw24 (01223) 7-63569 GE13 Faculty
Conrad Watt caw77 (01223) 7-67017 GC01 Visitors
Richard Watts rrw1000 GC01 Visitors
Friedrich-Maximilian Weberling fmw37 GC01 Visitors
Laura Wenderoth lw754 GC01 Visitors
Jennifer White jw2088 GS10 PhD students
Chenxi Whitehouse cj507 GS10 Visitors
Rosie Whitmell rjw225 (01223) 7-63817 FS03 Professional Services Staff
Bobby Whyte rw724 GC01 Visitors
Glynn Winskel gw104 GC01 Visitors
Damon Wischik djw1005 (01223) 3-34417 SS24 Faculty
Konrad Witaszczyk kw543 (01223) 7-63791 GE10 Research staff
Peter Woo hw527 SN04 Research staff
Jonathan Woodruff jdw57 SC18 Research staff
Jungha Woodward jl2155 (01223) 7-63598 GE02 Professional Services Staff
Kawin Worrasangasilpa kw448 GC01 PhD students
Haiqi Wu hw625 FS20 PhD students
Jichun Wu jw2282 SE25 PhD students
Lianlong Wu lw736 (01223) 7-63826 FC17 Research staff
Walter (Tianhao) Wu tw554 (01223) 7-67085 SS15 PhD students
Yu Wu yw573 (01223) 7-69026 FN01 PhD students


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Tong Xia tx229 FN01 Research staff
Huiyuan Xie hx255 GC01 Visitors
Xueqing Xu xx823 SW02 Intern


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Jeremy Yallop jdy22 FS17 Faculty
Angela Yallup ay292 (01223) 7-68871 GC03 Professional Services Staff
Guang Yang gy268 SN05 Research staff
Jing Yang jy496 SS20 Research staff
Junwei Yang jy406 (01223) 7-63592 GC01 PhD students
Lena Yang lyr24 FW14 Professional Services Staff
Qiang Yang qy258 FN01 Research staff
Helen Yannakoudakis hy260 GS22 Visitors
Yuxiao (Sean) Ye yy477 GC01 PhD students
Fei Yin fy277 SE18 PhD students
Eiko Yoneki ey204 (01223) 7-63743 FE02 Research staff, Affiliated Lecturers
Ali Yöntem aoy20 SS22 Visitors
Shih-Chun You scy27 (01223) 7-63594 SE09 Visitors
Moy Yuan zy317 (01223) 7-63557 FS09 PhD students
Zheng Yuan zy249 (01223) 3-34645 GS22 Visitors


Name CRSID Office phone Room Classification
Vadim Zaliva vz231 GC01 Research staff
Alicja Zavros ac733 01223 7-63787 | 07933 389 GC11 Professional Services Staff
Bjoern Zeeb baz21 GC01 Visitors
Andi Zhang az381 (01223) 7-67790 FE21 PhD students
Boyue Zhang bz275 SC08 PhD students
Haoting Zhang hz381 (01223) 7-67030 FE08 PhD students
Yuwei (Evelyn) Zhang yz798 FN01 PhD students
Zixi Ben Zhang zz458 SW02 Intern
Wanru Zhao wz341 SC32 PhD students
Xiangyu Zhao xz398 Intern
Yiren Zhao yaz21 SE14 Fellows
Fangcheng Zhong fz261 SS13 Research staff
Hai Zhong hz376 SN05 PhD students
Chenliang Zhou cz363 SS14 PhD students
Xiaochen Zhu xz479 GS06 PhD students
Noa Zilberman nz247 SC14 Visitors