The Wednesday Seminars are the Department's main seminar series. These talks take place on most Wednesdays during term, in Lecture Theatre 1 of the William Gates Building. They start at 15:05 and finish by 15:55.
The talks are given by distinguished external speakers as well as members of the department. They are targeted at anyone with a background in computing, but students in particular. Topics span the full range of computer science and beyond.
For further information about the Wednesday Seminar series contact Ben Karniely.
Past talks
- Wednesday seminars since Michaelmas term 2006 (talks@cam archive)
- Wednesday seminars before Michaelmas term 2006
Many of the Wednesday seminars have been recorded digitally and are available online.
We ask speakers to fill out and sign a consent form before any recording, to clarify how widely we can make each recording available.