The Department of Computer Science and Technology welcomes the opportunity to engage in industrial research with companies and has a significant number of current industrial collaborators. There are a broad range of ways to do this, each of which can be tailored to the needs of individual companies and the specific objectives in hand. Consultancy is often appropriate for very short term requirements, but we often build up larger research projects to investigate longer-term needs.
For members of the Supporters' Club, we are always happy to arrange a visit to the William Gates Building so that company staff can meet with members of our academic staff to discuss potential collaborations or receive a small amount of free discussion of technical issues.
Successful collaborators cite a number of benefits to a company of industrial engagements with the department. A key one is developing good personal relationships between company employees and key academics and research students, thereby attracting people to work in the company's field of interest. The research project provides a structure and reason for frequent interaction between both parties allowing mutual understanding to develop. The research end products themselves may have commercial value. The PhD students conducting the research may wish to continue their work by becoming employees of the sponsoring company or may refer colleagues for full time jobs. The department can then become a strategic asset, building expertise in a relevant field to the company and becoming a source of ideas and people.
Different funding opportunities are available.
To engage with the department
A full list of our Research Themes can be found here. If you are interested in collaboration, please get in touch with our Research Strategy Manager who would be happy to hear from you.