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Department of Computer Science and Technology



The Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference is an annual conference that aims to bring together junior and senior female computer scientists at Cambridge and Oxford, encourage collaboration through formal and informal discussion, and give a perfect opportunity for young researchers to present their research and get valuable feedback in a very open, friendly, and informal environment. The conference includes talks by key speakers and a career panel with members from both academia and industry who share their experiences with the participants.

See this year's page for more info!

Previous conference websites for 2024201920182017, 2016, 2015, and 2014.



Talklets are a series of in-house research talks, taking place once a term. The Talklets series is intended to expose the research done by female members of the department. Each session typically presents a different research group and includes 2-3 short talks (10-15 minutes long) by its members. If you are interested in presenting you work at our talklet series, please get in touch


Speaker lunch series

Speaker Lunches are monthly tech events, where we invite a female speaker to come and talk about her work, research, career issues and other interesting and relevant topics. We have a real diversity of speakers including women from academia, industry, start-ups, etc. Examples of previous events include career discussion panels and talks by Google, Microsoft Research, Intel, Cambridge Cell Networks, and many more. Speaker lunches are open to all, and we provide free lunch. If you have any suggestions about who we should invited for Speakers Lunch Series, please get in touch


Wednesday Seminar Series

The "Wednesday talks" are the department's main seminar series. Please see here for more details. These talks are followed by "Coffee and cakes" with the female speakers.

We are always interested in suggestions for speakers, if you have any ideas or would like to volunteer please contact us.