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Department of Computer Science and Technology


Students are not assigned to pre-specified projects. They are expected to propose an area or topic, and will be accepted only if an appropriate and willing supervisor is available. Applicants should therefore prepare a statement of proposed research of no more than 3000 words (this is different from a personal statement) indicating their intended topic and research strategy. This should:

  • show an understanding of existing work in the field,
  • identify an area for new work,
  • have concrete goals and deliverables for the first year, and
  • indicate that you know how to achieve them.

This could usefully be drafted in collaboration with the intended supervisor and candidates are invited to make contact with the intended supervisor, either through individual staff members or the Postgraduate Education Manager, before submitting a formal application. Staff members belong to one or more research groups and may be contacted by email in the first instance.
If you contact more than one person in the Department, please make sure that all the people you contact are aware of all the others so that we do not duplicate effort. The Department may suggest an informal visit, and may interview applicants in person, by video-conference or by telephone.