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Department of Computer Science and Technology


All assessed components (exams, written papers, dissertations, coursework etc) of the Computer Science Tripos and MPhil in Advanced Computer Science have associated deadlines. Missing these, for most components even by one minute, incurs a high penalty (see below for penalties for late submission of individual course components).This accords with practice in professional life when missing an important deadline could be very costly.

Nonetheless, in a university situation, some flexibility is appropriate for personal or medical reasons. Requests for mitigation must be made via the application form from the Examination Access and Mitigation Committee by your College Tutor. Note that Tutors are very experienced in dealing with delicate personal or medical issues with sensitivity and confidentiality. You may wish to talk to your Director of Studies or Course Advisor first as they will be more familiar with the various Computer Science Tripos deadlines.

However, in all circumstances requests for mitigation must be made in a timely manner, i.e.. before the deadline, and reflect a significant impediment. In a six-month project almost everyone is likely to have a short-term illness or hardware failure and must plan around this. Note that while some mitigation requests (e.g. coursework) can be resolved by deadline extension, others (such as missing an exam paper or late submission of a Part III or MPhil project) can only result in zero marks; there is a higher-level University Applications Committee whose role is to resolve these cases.

Self-certification (undergraduates only)

Please read the department's policy on Self-certification. In order to self-certify, please complete the form on the relevant page below. If you require an extension for longer than the module's maximum length, or you have already self-certified twice, please contact your college tutor to make an EAMC application instead.

Part IA, IB and II extension requests
Part III extension requests

Below is a summary of the published deadlines and penalties for the various Parts of the Computer Science Tripos and the MPhil in Advanced Computer Science.

Computer Science Tripos

  • Part IA
  • Part IB
    • ECAD, Further Graphics, C/++, and Group Project ticks: Assessed exercises must be submitted by the dates specified in the Head of Department's Announcement. Penalty for late/missed tick is 10 marks (10% of a paper).
  • Part II
    • Individual project: Project proposals must be approved and final projects submitted by the dates specified on the Part II Project important dates web page. Penalties are automatically applied for late submission of your project dissertation: a quarter of the marks are lost immediately after the noon deadline.
    • All Part II Module coursework must be submitted by the dates specified in the Head of Department’s Announcement. Penalties are automatically applied for late assignments: the mark awarded for the submission is reduced by a quarter of the total marks for that submission.
  • Part III
    • Taught modules: Deadlines and penalties match (specified here) those of the MPhil in Advanced Computer Science below.
    • Individual project: Project proposals must be approved and final projects submitted as specified in the Head of Department's Announcement for Part III.
    • Self-certification: Please read the department's policy on Self-certification. In order to self-certify, please complete the form on the Moodle page. If you require an extension for longer than the module's maximum length, or you have already self-certified twice, please contact your college tutor to make an EAMC application instead.
    • Contact: For extensions longer than the maximum length or you have already self-certified twice, please contact your College Tutor to make an EAMC application. College Tutors for Advanced Students are advised to also email the Postgraduate Education Manager notifying them of the request for an extension to their students' coursework. Extensions to the submission of the final project report will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.

MPhil in Advanced Computer Science

  • Taught modules: Assessed coursework, take-home exams and the like must be completed by the times and dates set by the Postgraduate Education Office. The guidance on ACS assessment spells out the penalties for late submission.
  • Contact: College Tutors for Advanced Students are advised to email the Secretary of the Degree Committee in the first instance with a request for an extension to their students' coursework. The Examiners for the M.Phil in Advanced Computer Science will consider cases for up to 14 days for serious ill health or other grave cause. Many taught modules build on coursework and long extensions (beyond a day or two) may not be appropriate. 
  • Individual project: Extensions to the submission of the final project report will be considered only in exceptional circumstances and will generally require an official change to the submission date recorded by the Student Registry's Records and Examinations Office. This will require a formal application via CamSIS.
  • Failure to submit the project report by 11:00 am on the required date, and without an approved extension, leads to it being awarded zero marks.


Updated to include information for Tripos students regarding self-certification (as approved by the Faculty Board 10/10/2023)

Updated for clarification regarding extensions, 30th March 2023

Updated to include email contact for College Tutors for Advanced Students, 23 February 2023.

Updated to remove references to 'Computer Laboratory' 18 January 2023 (as approved by CST Faculty Board - 17/01/23)