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Department of Computer Science and Technology


New research results should be disseminated through conferences, presentations, and journal publications. Writing and presenting papers is an important part your training as a research student. Everyone – student, supervisors, and the department – wants publication submissions to be successful, so here are some practical guidelines for publishing your work.

  • You must discuss possible publications with your supervisor to establish that there is good material for a publication and to help choose an appropriate conference or journal for the work. Make sure that contributions by others (and sponsors) are properly acknowledged.
  • Start work in good time and do not leave submission to the final deadline.
    • Every paper should be read by at least one colleague and one member of the academic staff before submission, and you will need time to accommodate any suggestions that they may make. Your supervisor may well want to see the revised version before submission as well.
    • If appropriate, check that any intellectual property has been protected before publishing.
    • Clearance from industrial sponsors may take even longer.
  • Think about the cost of attending a conference before submitting a contribution.
    • Students attached to research projects may be able to charge conference attendance to the grant. Check with the Principal Investigator.
    • Students with industrial sponsors should ask their supervisors to seek support from the company.
    • The Laboratory may be able to help with the cost, but it is important to apply well in advance. Complete the checklist for expenses applications form and attach it to the standard expenses authorization application form with a letter of support from your supervisor. Bring the forms to FS03 for logging and a signature.
    • Do not book accommodation or your flights until you have had your expenses authorized. Students may not book accommodation through AirBnB for conferences, workshops or other University business. See the Postgraduate Education Office team for guidance on this.
    • If your travel could be considered to be fieldwork, you may be eligible to apply for a grant from the School of Technology see Fieldwork Funds.
    • Reception may be able to book accommodation and flights using the University's preferred supplier for you. Please ensure you take the authorized expenses form with you and ask Reception staff for help before 4 p.m. on working week days and preferably in the morning.
  • Requests for support will be considered more favourably if the cost is shared with others, such as:
    • a student travel grant from the conference,
    • your College,
    • the Cambridge Trust supporting your studies,
    • the Cambridge Philosophical Society (but remember that applicants must have been Fellows for at least a year, so join early),
    • professional bodies such as the Royal Academy of Engineering (for UK citizens),
    • similar bodies for those from other countries.
    • If your paper is accepted, pat yourself on the back. Then:
    • Get even more people to read it and take even more care revising it before submitting the final copy. If English is not your native language, make sure that the text has been carefully reviewed by someone fluent. Your reputation and the reputation of the department depend on it!
    • Practise conference presentations on a few members of your research group.
    • If appropriate, prepare a poster and some handouts. Poster design is quite hard; just walk round the Laboratory to see some very good examples and some less good ones. Seek advice from the authors of those you like.
    • Register early, and book travel and accommodation in good time for reduced rates. Check any visa requirements in good time. Register for the University's travel insurance.
    • Reception may be able to do some of the travel bookings for you, but staff will need to see the approved expenses form.
    • Other publications by the organisers are often available cheaply at conferences. Please talk to the Librarian to see if there are any earlier conference proceedings or other material missing from our collection that you could buy. Don't forget to donate your copy of the proceedings to the Library when you return.