Supervision, the teaching of undergraduates in small groups, is one of the main pillars which support learning at Cambridge. Supervision is the responsibility of the Colleges; the Director of Studies in each College schedules supervisors for all his or her students taking Parts IA and IB of the Tripos. Colleges require supervisors to attend a Central University course Further details and to book.
Part IA and IB supervision are organised by your College Director of Studies. Some Colleges also organise Part II supervisions. The arrangements for Part II are detailed below. Part III courses are designed not to require supervisions, but Directors of Studies have the power to arrange supervision if this is deemed helpful.
Organisation of Part II supervisions by the Computer Science Department
The Computer Science Department co-ordinates supervisions and other auxiliary teaching for Part II on behalf of the majority of the Colleges.
Supervisors Workshop for New Supervisors
To help new members of the department with the techniques of supervising, the Student Administration team organise a Supervisors' Workshop which all new supervisors must attend. Attendance at a Supervisors' Workshop is compulsory before you can start supervising. Registration is essential for this workshop. The next workshop will be held on Wednesday 16 October 2024, 9:45-13:00 noon in-person at the department. It will explain the department's supervision system and explain how to handle quiet, exhuberent and indifferent students. To register, please contact the Student Administration office.
You can list the courses you are interested in supervising on our Moodle site.
There is an overview document that is handed out during the briefing session.
Student supervision sign-up
Supervisions for Part II courses are organised by the department. Sign-up for these is available from 9:00am on the date of the second lecture until 2:00pm three days afterwards.
Information for supervisors
- Superising in Computer Science
- Supervisor Support
- Guidance for Supervisors from Colleges
- Project Supervision
- How to define an Elephant by Advait Sarkar (May 2017) (A supervision guide for new supervisors written by a former Computer Science supervisor.)