Applicants wishing to be considered for funding competitions should check their eligibility on the University-wide Sources of Funding web page.
The application portal acts as a scholarship funding application as well as an application for admission. In most cases, no further funding application form is required. There are some exceptions, however: we recommend checking the Student Funding and also College webpages which provide information about other grants for students applying to Cambridge and their closing dates. When using the search facility on the Student Funding portal, we recommend searching for 'technology' as well as computer science.
The current costs of a PhD are available from the Student Registry's Graduate Course Costs and Fee Status page. You will need sufficient funding to cover the University Tuition Fee, and at least the minimum maintenance for three years.
The department regularly advertises research assistantships and early stage researcher (such as Marie Curie ITN) positions on its PhD studentships and RA'ships page, and in certain cases, these may result in a Ph.D. Degree. Please use the deadline published on the individual job listing.
Home students
The Department makes awards to UK students both from funds supplied, for example the EPSRC Doctoral Training Grant, and from its own funds such as the Premium Studentship and the Hopper Studentship. In the year starting October 2023, the Department will help to fund three research students from its Doctoral Training Grant. These funds are limited. The Applications Panel considers all successful applicants for funding awards within its gift and submits the names of highly ranked home and international students to the Cambridge Trusts.
International students
Very highly ranked international students will be considered for nomination to the Gates Cambridge Trust and Cambridge International Scholarship Scheme (CISS) competitions.
The Department will contact applicants directly about its internal awards such as the Premium Studentship.
It is worth noting that full funding must be secured before starting a course at Cambridge. Most of the scholarships will not accept applications from students who are already in residence. Do not assert that you will be able to support yourself and hope that something else will turn up once you are in Cambridge.