Student Handbook
Taught modules
- Web pages for each module - syllabus, materials provided by lecturers, and assessment schemes.
- Previous years' material
- Changing modules - how to go about changing a module and the deadlines for doing so.
- Special topics - module borrowed from another Masters level programme (only available for MPhil students in Lent term 2024)
Research Projects
- Forms
- Part III project guidance
- MPhil Research Project guidelines
- Submission of Part III and ACS project reports
Examinations and assessment
- Assessment - M.Phil
- Assessment - Part III
- University guidance on plagiarism and academic misconduct and see also Departmental statement on plagiarism
- Guidance on deadlines, late submission and penalties
- Part III Dissertation and coursework extensions - notes for guidance
- Guidance regarding the use of AI tools in assessed work
Lecture timetables, calendars and talks
- Part III and MPhil DRAFT timetable 2024-25 Subject to change.
- Digital downloadable timetable 2024-25 available from 1 October
- Teaching pages - links to courses' timetables and syllabi other than the M.Phil or Part III
- Seminars and meetings - a weekly timetable of seminars and meetings including the Wednesday seminar series
- - the seminars and talks both inside and outside the department
- women@cl provides local, national and international activities for women engaged in Computing research and academic leadership.
Lecture feedback and student representation
- Urgent teaching or supervision-related problem (the fast feedback button — highlight an issue, anonymously if you wish).
- Staff-Student Consultative Forum where student representatives and staff discuss issues arising from the course
- Postgraduate Students' Forum for issues particularly affecting MPhil and PhD students
Continuing to the PhD
- PhD in Computer Science - applications and admission
- CPGS Certificate of Postgraduate Study - probationary year for the PhD
Student support
The main source of pastoral support for students is provided by Colleges. Each postgraduate student is assigned a Tutor by the College who will be available to meet, or correspond by email, with students to discuss personal and tutorial matters.
MPhil students are also assigned a Course Adviser by the Department who will advise on course matters.
Other sources of student support may be found from the following bodies:
- Departmental Wellbeing Resources and poster.
- Breaking the Silence - preventing harassment and sexual misconduct
- Welfare and well-being
- University Counselling Service
- Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre
- Accommodation advice
- Childcare office
- LGBTQ+@CL network
Complaints procedures and exam reviews
Students should also refer to the new procedures Joint Report of the Council and the General Board on procedures for student complaints and reviews, The Reporter weekly edition 6469, section 6, page 628.
The Department has appointed a Responsible Officer and a Deputy who will respond to complaints at a local level in accordance with the Procedure. Please note that a complaint must be raised with the Responsible Officer within 28 days of the complaint arising.
Requests for 'mark checks' should follow the procedure explained on Examination Review Procedure.