In June 2023, The University brought in a new policy for extensions to dissertations and coursework, issuing guidance for departments. In brief, it allows for students to self-certify the need for extensions to coursework for up to seven days. The students do not need to divulge the reason for the extension, but only inform their Tutor and the Department of their intention to extend a given deadline.
By default, there is no limitation to the number of self-certified extensions per student. However, departments can publish limitations that they deem appropriate for their courses. This document describes the departmental policy for the Computer Science Tripos (including Part III).
For students on any part of the CST:
- They may self-certify for coursework extensions no more than twice per year. Coursework includes any assessments that contribute to the year’s overall mark that are outside of written exam or test papers (ticks, take-home assessments, etc).
- Where one of the self-certified extensions is for a Part II/Part III dissertation, the maximum extension is 3 days; for all other coursework the maximum is 7 days.
- Each extension beyond the two self-certified extensions per year or beyond the maximum number of days per self-certified extension will require EAMC approval.
- For courses whose teaching activity is based on the assessed work and this teaching closely follows the deadline, a more limited extension may be necessary. This will be published on the relevant course pages.
Where a student extends a self-certified extension beyond the maximum length by successful application to the EAMC, the extension will not be considered self-certified for the purposes of this policy.
Approved by Faculty Board on 10 October 2023