Monday 7 October 2024 Registration/Induction Day
- Registration 09:45 a.m., The Atrium, William Gates Building, 15 JJ Thomson Ave., Cambridge, CB3 0FD
- Induction talk 10:30 a.m., Lecture Theatre 1: the Director of Postgraduate Education will give a brief introduction to the course.
- Computing facilities 11:30 a.m.; the Sys-Admin team will talk about how to get help with your computing needs
- Research Development Programme 12:00; the Researcher Development coordinator will talk about the Research Skills Programme
- Tour of the building (Students with surname beginning A - L) 12:15 - Meet at The Atrium, William Gates Building
- Tour of the building (Students with surname beginning M - Z) 12:40 - Meet at The Atrium, William Gates Building
- Lunch break 13:00. A sandwich lunch in the Atrium will be provided
- Course Advisers / DoS 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Some Course Advisers (MPhil) or Directors of Studies (Part III) will have arranged to meet their advisees during the afternoon of 7 October. Please check with your adviser for arrangements. This will an opportunity to discuss your module choices and make last-minute changes if necessary. Others will meet advisees later in the week or early the following week.
Tuesday 8 October 2024
- 10:00 Using Moodle and 'other things', FAQs (Postgraduate Education Team) via Microsoft Teams
The Postgraduate Education team will talk about Moodle, the digital timetable and will endeavour to answer your questions. - 14:00 Project Briefing (Director of Postgraduate Education) Lecture Theatre 1
The session will be presented by the Director of Postgraduate Education and will cover project proposals, project supervision, and important deadlines.
October 2024 Staying Safe at the University Cambridge Course
All new M.Phil students (including former Cambridge undergraduates) must attend the compulsory, and online, Staying Safe at the University Cambridge Course (an Introduction to Health and Safety at the University) Course.
Thursday 10 October 2024
- 08:00 Deadline for complete the registration requirements (MPhil link / Part III link - available from 23 September)
- 09:00 Module classes begin - see the timetable
Friday 11 October 2024
- 10:00 Module classes - see the timetable
Friday 18 October 2024
- 17:00 - 19:00 Welcome Party, the Café, William Gates Building
Module conveners will explain the module structure and assessment criteria in the first class for each module. The timetable has been arranged as far as possible to avoid clashes in students' module choices.
Please note that some, but not all, lectures at the University of Cambridge start on a Thursday and finish on a Wednesday.