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Department of Computer Science and Technology


The Computer Science Syndicate (now the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology) produced the following statement in response to the University Code of Practice relating to examinations of taught courses. It applies to:

Computer Science Tripos, Part IA
Computer Science Tripos, Part IB
Computer Science Tripos, Part II

The following data are retained by the Department:

Routinely available data:
Data Retention period Accessible through:
Final Mark Book Indefinitely College Director of Studies

The marks contained in the final mark book and routinely released are those that were determined as being meaningful or helpful as indicators of examination performance. They include a mark for each unit taken (paper, practical, dissertation as appropriate), the overall mark and class, and the order of merit.

Data available on request (where available):
Data Retention period Accessible through:
Marks for individual questions 1 month from publication of class list Chair of Examiners
Assessors' marks on scripts
(transcription only)
5 months from publication of class list Chair of Examiners

In Part IA, marks for individual questions in NST Mathematics and bench subjects are not available, as they are not supplied to the Examiners.

Assessors' marks on scripts consist for the most part only of marks and not of comments. The scripts themselves are not available to students.

The Syndicate determined that these data are, in general, neither meaningful nor helpful as indicators of examination performance, and they are therefore not routinely available. Collating these data is time consuming and expensive. Students are therefore discouraged from making requests for individual question marks or for assessors' marks on scripts except in exceptional cases in which their Director of Studies or Tutor agrees that there is a strong case in favour of requesting the information. In particular, a transcript of the assessors' marks on scripts is unlikely to produce any useful information for the student but will require a few hours' work to produce per student.

The process for deciding the final mark for Part II dissertations is described on the project assessment page.

At the end of the retention period, data are either destroyed or anonymised and used for statistical analysis.

Requests for data should be made in writing via the student's Director of Studies from:

Chair of Examiners
(Part IA)
Professor Nic Lane
Chair of Examiners
(Part IB and Part II)
Professor Jamie Vicary

All at: Department of Computer Science and Technology, William Gates Building, J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0FD.

Release of data under this policy does not constitute a subject access request under the Data Protection Act 1998. Requests for access to all other personal data should be directed to:

University Data Protection Officer
Registrary's Office, The Old Schools, Trinity Lane, Cambridge CB2 1TN

Tel: 01223 764142