Project suggestions for 2024-25 Part II Projects
Students entering Part II in October 2024 should have identified a potential project and an appropriate supervisor by the first day of Michaelmas term (this is Phase 1). You will also need to briefly describe a potential project. We therefore encourage students to start the search for a project as soon as possible after the IB exams. Please use the following Google sheet to help you identify potential supervisors and topics. (Note: The Supervisor sheet is a list of self-identified potential supervisors. A listed supervisor is not endorsed as appropriate for you, and It is fine to have a supervisor not on this list. The sheet remains editable to potential supervisors, so please chck back for updates.)
Project supervisor list 2024/25
Suggestions 2024-2025:
- Project suggestions from the Computer Architecture Group
- Project suggestions from the Systems Research Group
- Project suggestions from Mobile Systems Research Group
- Project suggestions from Xiang Li
- Project suggestions from Dr Stephen Cummins
- Project suggestions from Nicolas Boucher
- Project suggestions from Chenliang Zhou
- Project suggestions from Soumya Banerjee
- Project suggestions from Yulong Chen
- Project suggestions from Jasmin Jahić
- Project suggestion from Prof Peter Sewell
- Project suggestions from Laurie Gale
- Project suggestions from Tiago Azevedo
- Project suggestions from Roly Perera
- Project suggestions from ML@CL Group
- Project suggestions from Konrad Witaszczyk
- Project suggestions from Jagdish Modi
- Project suggestions from Stephan Cummins
- Project suggestions from Prof Anil Madhavapeddy
- Project suggestions from Pietro Lio
- Project suggestions from Dr Sean Holden
Suggestions 2023-2024:
- Project suggestions from Jon Crowcroft
- Project suggestions from Chenliang Zhou
- Project suggestions from Laurie Gale
- Project suggestions from Meurig Thomas
- Project suggestions from CaMLSys
- Project suggestions from Peter Sewell
- Project suggestions from Ali Yontem (tbc)
- Project suggestions from Tiago Azevedo
- Project Suggestions from Jagdish Modi
- Project Suggestions from Pietro Liò
- Project Suggestions from Roly Perera
Suggestions 2022-2023:
- Project suggestions from the Computer Architecture Group
- Project suggestions from Mobile Systems Research Group
- Project suggestions from the Systems Research Group
- Project suggestions from the Security Group
- Project suggestions from the Natural Language and Information Processing (NLIP) Group
- Project suggestions from ML@CL Group
- Project suggestions from Sean Holden
- Project suggestions from Keshav Srinivasan
- Project suggestions from Cengiz Oztireli
- Project suggestions from Aaron Zhao
- Project suggestions from Zheng Yuan
- Project suggestions from Anh V Vu (click on the 'Teaching & Supervision' tab)
- Project suggestions from Weiwei Sun
- Project suggestions from Micol Spitale
- Project suggestions from Jasmin Janic
- Project suggestions from Stephen Cummins
- Project suggestions from Kieron Ivy Turk
- Project suggestions from Chenliang Zhou (to follow)
Suggestions 2021-2022:
- Project suggestions from the Computer Architecture Group.
- Project suggestions from the Digital Technology Group.
- Project suggestions from the Graphics & Interaction (Rainbow) Group.
- Project suggestions from the Security Group.
- Project suggestions from ML for Interpretable Computational Biology.
- Project suggestions from Stephen Cummins.
- Project suggestions from Jagdish Modi.
- Project suggestions from Mateja Jamnik.
- Project suggestions from Timothy Jones.
- Project suggestions from Jat Singh.
- Project suggestions from Dimitris Spathis.
Perhaps also look at Project suggestions from previous years.
To get an idea of what a completed dissertation looks like, you can also view dissertations from previous years.