The Faculty: what and where?
The Department of Computer Science and Technology was founded in 1937 as the Mathematical Laboratory, then part of the Faculty of Mathematics. The name was changed to the Computer Laboratory in 1969 and the Laboratory was set free of oversight by any Faculty. This continued until about 2000, when the Faculty of Computer Science & Technology was created. The Faculty is part of the Graduate School of Technology along with Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, and the Judge Institute of Management. The current name of the department was assumed in October 2017.
The department was originally housed on the New Museums Site in the city centre. It moved out to West Cambridge in 2001, to the purpose-built William Gates building.
Our address is:
Faculty of Computer Science and Technology
William Gates Building
15 JJ Thomson Avenue
Cambridge, CB3 0FD
The department occupies the whole of the William Gates Building. Rooms are labelled by a four character code.
You will be allocated a room with other research students in your research group and, within reason, close to your supervisor’s room.
Code of Practice
Please see the Student Registry's Code of Practice for Graduate research degrees and certificates of postgraduate studies for information on responsibilities and mutual expectations.
The Postgraduate Education Team
August 2021