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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • Emeritus Professor
  • Emeritus Fellow of Robinson College

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Alan Mycroft is a Computer Science Academic who worked at the Department of Computer Science and Technology (previously the Computer Laboratory) of the University of Cambridge for 39 years, retiring from "Professor of Computing" to "Emeritus Professor" on 30 September 2023.

After gaining a Mathematics degree at Cambridge and a PhD in Computer Science at Edinburgh, he was a post-doc at Edinburgh, a Forskarsassistent (a research post) at Chalmers University in Sweden, and then moved back to Cambridge.

His research centres on Programming Languages, their semantics, their analysis and their compilation.

He has spent sabbaticals at Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, IMDEA in Madrid, DTU in Lyngby, IITB in Mumbai along with industrial leave at AT&T Research and Intel Research.

He was a founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and a Teaching Fellow at Robinson College, Cambridge


Alan's research centres on Programming Languages, their semantics, their analysis and their compilation.

He continues to be interested in appropriate research collaborations but, since retirement, can no longer supervise Masters or PhD students.


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