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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • Bernstein Planetary Computing Fellow
  • Head of Technology, Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C)
  • Senior Research Associate, Department of Computer Science and Technology

You can find a bit more information about me on my personal website.


Journal articles

  • Jaffer, S., Dales, M., Ferris, P., Swinfield, T., Sorensen, D., Message, R., Madhavapeddy, A. and Keshav, S., 2024. Global, robust and comparable digital carbon assets. CoRR, v. abs/2403.14581
  • Holcomb, A., Dales, M., Ferris, P., Jaffer, S., Swinfield, T., Eyres, A., Balmford, A., Coomes, D., Keshav, S. and Madhavapeddy, A., 2023. A Case for Planetary Computing. CoRR, v. abs/2303.04501
  • Sivaramakrishnan, KC., Dolan, S., White, L., Kelly, T., Jaffer, S. and Madhavapeddy, A., 2021. Retrofitting effect handlers onto OCaml Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI),
    Doi: 10.1145/3453483.3454039
  • Sivaramakrishnan, KC., Dolan, S., White, L., Jaffer, S., Kelly, T., Sahoo, A., Parimala, S., Dhiman, A. and Madhavapeddy, A., 2020. Retrofitting parallelism onto OCaml Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, v. 4
    Doi: 10.1145/3408995
  • Sivaramakrishnan, KC., Dolan, S., White, L., Jaffer, S., Kelly, T., Sahoo, A., Parimala, S., Dhiman, A. and Madhavapeddy, A., 2020. Retrofitting parallelism onto OCaml. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, v. 4
    Doi: 10.1145/3408995
  • Conference proceedings

  • Sivaramakrishnan, KC., Dolan, S., White, L., Kelly, T., Jaffer, S. and Madhavapeddy, A., 2021. Retrofitting effect handlers onto OCaml. PLDI,
  • Contact Details
