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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • Visiting Academic

I am a Visiting Academic in the Natural Language and Information Processing (NLIP) group at the University of Cambridge. I was previously a Research Associate supported by the Institute for Automated Language Teaching and Assessment (ALTA).


I completed my PhD on the "Automatic annotation of error types for grammatical error correction" at the University of Cambridge in early 2019. I was supervised by Prof. Ted Briscoe and supported by ALTA. I was a member of Churchill College. Before I came to Cambridge, I spent two years working as a Research Assistant in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore under Prof. Hwee Tou Ng. Before that, I completed a MSc in Speech and Language Processing and an undergraduate MA(Hons) in Chinese and Linguistics, both at the University of Edinburgh.


My research mainly concerns the Automatic Detection and Correction of Grammatical Errors in non-native English texts. I built and developed the ERRor ANnotation Toolkit (ERRANT), which automatically annotates parallel sentences with error type information, and also led the Building Educational Applications Shared Task on Grammatical Error Correction (BEA-2019).


My full list of publications is available here.

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