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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • PhD Student

Hi there! I'm doing a PhD in Data-Efficient Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge, where I focus on making Neural Networks the go-to method for tabular datasets. I made contributions in the areas of small sample-size learning, high-dimensional data, feature selection, parameter-efficient neural networks, machine learning interpretability and prototypical learning. My research has been published in leading ML conferences such as AAAI, NeurIPS-W, ICML-W and ICLR-W. 

Before researching, I won three Gold Medals (ranked 2nd, 4th and 4th overall) in the National Olympiad in Informatics in Romania. I led the youngest team to qualify for the World Finals of Google HashCode, Google's largest competitive programming competition. Also, I was declared the best student in the entire Engineering Faculty at University College London (UCL), the best Romanian student in the UK, and one of the top three in Europe.

In Summer 2023 I was a Quant Researcher intern at Citadel.

I enjoy sharing my thoughts, and I recorded my experience on Youtube when I did the MPhil in Advanced Computer Science in Cambridge. I also created some ML paper review videos, and a 40+ episodes video series called "Decode Your 20s" discussing life advice for young adults.

Looking for a challenging Part III / MPhil project? Have a look over my project proposal, or contact me at


Data-Efficient Machine Learning for tabular data


3M1 Mathematical Methods (3rd year engineering course) in 2022 and 2023

Contact Details

Office phone: 
(01223) 7-63789