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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • PhD Student

I am a third-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge, where I am extremely fortunate to be under the supervision of Tom Gur. My research is in the area of theoretical computer science, and I am particularly interested in probabilisitic and zero-knowledge proof systems, coding theory, cryptography and complexity theory. More specifically, my PhD research has focused on the study of zero-knowledge proofs without any cryptographic assumptions.

My work was recently featured in Quanta Magazine: Computer Scientists Combine Two ‘Beautiful’ Proof Methods.


I am very passionate about teaching and take great joy from my interactions with students.

I am a supervisor for Quantum Information and Computation, for Part II students and for Complexity Theory, for Part IB students. 

In the past I have tutored courses in Quantum Computing, Analysis and PDEs. I also supervised first-year maths students at the University of Warwick, and worked as a tutor in a drop-in centre supporting undergraduates with maths in University College Dublin. I was nominated for a teaching and learning award while teaching at University College Dublin.


A Zero-Knowledge PCP Theorem
with Tom Gur and Nicholas Spooner

Perfect Zero-Knowledge PCPs for #P
with Tom Gur and Nicholas Spooner
STOC 2024
Invited to ITC 2024 highlights track
(Featured in Quanta Magazine)

Proof-Carrying Data from Arithmetised Random Oracles
with Megan Chen, Alessandro Chiesa, Tom Gur and Nicholas Spooner
Eurocrypt 2023
(Video of my Eurocrypt talk)

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