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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • PhD Candidate
  • CCIE#50441
  • Licensed Private Pilot



Update: I will join Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of Aarhus University as a Visiting Student from October 2024 for a 2-month visit

Update: I will join National Institute of Informatics at Tokyo, Japan as a Research Scholar from December for a 3-month visit


I am a 3rd year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge. I received my Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from King's College London in 2020. I also spent a year at ETH Zurich for MSc but withdrawn and come to Cambridge for PhD in 2021. I am also CCIE certified in Routing and Switching (with some knowledge in Data Center and Security).


My name in Chinese is 梁燚磊

Working Experiences


  • Rhythm Game
  • Flying an aeroplane (Licensed Private Pilot@Cambridge Aero Club)
  • Research (Yes :))


  • Chinese (Both Mandarin and Cantonese, Native Speaker)
  • English (Full Working Proficiency)
  • Japanese (Working Proficiency, JLPT N1, CEFR C1)


Federated Learning, Networking


Professional Activities

Academic Services



  • Federated Split GANs for collaborative training with heterogeneous devices (Software Impact, Invited Paper, Yilei Liang, Pranvera Kortoçi Pengyuan Zhou, Lik-Hang Lee, Abbas Mehrabi, Pan Hui, Sasu Tarkoma, Jon Crowcroft) [Paper]
  • Efficient Federated Learning Under Non-IID Conditions With Attackers (FedEdge 2022, Huan Zou, Yuchao Zhang, Xirong Que, Yilei Liang, Jon Crowcroft) ---  In conjunction with ACM Mobicom 2022. [Paper]
  • Federated Split GANs (FedEdge 2022, Pranvera Kortoçi, Yilei Liang, Pengyuan Zhou, Lik-Hang Lee, Abbas Mehrabi, Pan Hui, Sasu Tarkoma, Jon Crowcroft) [Paper] ---  In conjunction with ACM Mobicom 2022.
  • PAIGE: Towards a Hybrid-Edge Design for Privacy-Preserving Intelligent Personal Assistants: The 3rd International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys 2020, Yilei Liang, Dan O’Keeffe, Nishanth Sastry)  [Paper]  ---  In conjunction with ACM EuroSys 2020.

Contact Details
