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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • Research Associate

Chen is a Research Associate in the System Research Group (SRG) at the Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge.

In SRG, Chen works on exploring the opportunities for efficient virtualization in small edge devices in the context of serverless computing.  


Chen's research interests are broadly in areas of Serverless Computing, Cloud/Edge Computing, Network Resource Orchestration, In-network Computing, Distributed System and Mobile Networks. His latest work focuses on resource orchestration in serverless edge computing, aiming to optimize a wide range of metrics for the system, including latency, and energy consumption. In Cambridge, Chen is working with Professor Richard Mortier on the EDGELESS Computing project funded by Horizon Europe. Chen is also actively serving as a TPC member and reviewer for many prestigious conferences and journals such as ICDCS 2024, IEEE MSN 2023, IFIP NPC 2024, IEEE TSC, Computer Networks, JNCA and etc.

In the past, Chen led/participated in several research projects:

  • Smart Manufacturing Data Hub, Innovate UK
  • Serverless Edge Computing for 5G Edge Devices, Innovate UK (Lead)
  • Intelligent Edge of Things, Innovate UK (Lead)




Chen was involved in some teaching activities as follows. Also, he is a Guest Lecturer at Loughborough University.

  •  Distributed System
  •  Cloud Computing
  •  Team Project

Chen has experience in supervision for master students and undergraduates.


Journal articles

  • Chen, C., Herrera, M., Zheng, G., Xia, L., Ling, Z. and Wang, J., 2024. Cross-Edge Orchestration of Serverless Functions with Probabilistic Caching IEEE Transactions on Services Computing,
  • Chen, C., Nagel, L., Cui, L. and Tso, FP., 2022. Distributed federated service chaining: A scalable and cost-aware approach for multi-domain networks Computer Networks, v. 212
  • Conference proceedings

  • Chen, C., Hawkridge, G., Mukherjee, A., Torres, PJR., Ling, Z., Santos, C. and McFarlane, D., 2023. Intelligent Low-Cost Monitoring for Smart Digital Manufacturing Low-Cost Digital Solutions for Industrial Automation (LoDiSA 2023),
  • Chen, C., Nagel, L., Cui, L. and Tso, FP., 2023. S-Cache: Function Caching for Serverless Edge Computing EdgeSys 2023 - Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking, Part of EuroSys 2023,
  • Chen, C., Nagel, L., Cui, L. and Tso, FP., 2022. B-Scale: Bottleneck-aware VNF Scaling and Flow Routing in Edge Clouds Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, v. 2022-June
  • Chen, C., Nagel, L., Cui, L. and Tso, FP., 2021. Distributed federated service chaining for heterogeneous network environments ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,
  • Rivera Torres, P. and Chen, C., Maintenance on a Shoestring: The low-cost journey from zero to condition- based maintenance.
  • Contact Details
