- Research Staff
I am a postdoctoral research associate in the Logics and Algorithms group led by Anuj Dawar. My research interests revolve around logic and complexity and lie mainly in the areas of finite model theory and propositional proof complexity. One topic I am specifically interested in at the moment are methods for studying the limitations of symmetric computation models and proof systems. This includes the logic Choiceless Polynomial Time as well as different kinds of symmetric circuits.
I am also an associate of Robinson College.
Descriptive Complexity
Finite Model Theory
Proof Complexity
Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Lent 2024: Computation Theory
- Easter 2024: Complexity Theory, Introduction to Probability
Past teaching at RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- Mathematical Logic (Summer terms 2022 and 2019)
- Mathematical Logic II (Winter term 2020)
- Seminar Logic, Complexity, Games: Propositional Proof Complexity
- Seminar Logic, Complexity, Games: Algorithmic Meta-Theorems and Parameterized Complexity
Selected talks
- Slides for the talk "Limitations of affine CSP algorithms", held at CWC 2024, Colfosco
- Slides for the talk "Limitations of Game Comonads for Invertible-Map Equivalence via Homomorphism Indistinguishability", held at CSL 2024, Naples
- Slides for the talk "Lower bounds for Choiceless Polynomial Time via Symmetric XOR-circuits", held at Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Kassel 2023
- Slides for an invited talk at the Logic Mentoring Workshop, Warsaw 2023
- Slides for the talk "Distinguishing graphs in Choiceless Polynomial Time and the Extended Polynomial Calculus", held at CSL 2023, Warsaw 2023
- Slides for the talk "A Finite-Model-Theoretic View on Propositional Proof Complexity", held at the Simons online workshop on Theoretical Foundations of SAT/SMT Solving, Berkeley 2021
- Slides for the talk "Limitations of Choiceless Definability", held at CSL 2021, Ljubljana