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Department of Computer Science and Technology

I am a third-year PhD student in Computer Science (Energy and Environment Group) and Plant Sciences (Forest Ecology and Conservation Group). I am co-supervised by Srinivasan Keshav and David Coomes. My research investigates the use of spaceborne LiDAR, paired with optical and radar satellite remote sensing, to study tropical forest regrowth and disturbance.

Check out my talk "Space Lasers for Good" -- a short overview of my research that I presented as part of the Computer Laboratory's Climate and Sustainability Showcase.


2017-2019: Software Engineer, Site Reliability. Google.
2015-2016: Course assistant. Yale University Computer Science Department.

2021: M.Math Computer Science, University of Waterloo. Thesis title: Mobile Phone Depth Sensors for Forest Carbon Measurement.
2016: B.A. Mathematics, Yale University

Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarship (HDPSP)
David R. Cheriton Graduate Scholarship
International Masters Award of Excellence


Remote sensing; spaceborne LiDAR (GEDI); forest conservation; tropical forest disturbance and degradation;


Holcomb, A., Burns, P., Keshav, S., Coomes, D.A., 2024. Repeat GEDI footprints measure the effects of tropical forest disturbances. Remote Sensing of Environment 308, 114174.
Holcomb, A., Mathis, S.V., Coomes, D.A., Keshav, S., 2023. Computational tools for assessing forest recovery with GEDI shots and forest change maps. Science of Remote Sensing 8, 100106.
Ghasemitaheri, S., Holcomb, A., Golab, L., and Keshav, S. On the Data Quality of Remotely Sensed Forest Maps, Proc. VLDB Workshops, April 2023.
Holcomb, A., Tong, L., Keshav, S., 2023. Robust Single-Image Tree Diameter Estimation with Mobile Phones. Remote Sensing 15, 772.

Contact Details

Office address: 
David Attenborough Building