- PhD Student of Complexity Theory & Logic
I am a PhD Student of Complexity Theory & Logic in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge. Throughout my degree I am supervised by Anuj Dawar. I am a member of King’s College, where I am the recipient of an Alan Turing Studentship and supplementary funding from Cambridge Trust. Prior to studying in Cambridge I received an Honours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with High Distinction from University of Toronto.
I am primarily fascinated by the inherent limitations of computers in their ability to solve problems. In particular, my focus lies in the realm of Computational Complexity Theory, and within the field I am currently interested in lower bound methods for the space-complexity of computational problems. These methods employ tools from a wide range of areas in mathematics, including but not limited to computational theory, logic, finite model theory, combinatorics, algebraic geometry, game theory and probability.
- Lent 2021: Supervisor (aka Teaching Assistant or TA) for Algorithms (University of Cambridge)
- Michaelmas 2020 - Lent 2021: Supervisor for Discrete Mathematics (University of Cambridge)
- Michaelmas 2020: Supervisor for Object Oriented Programming (University of Cambridge)
- Easter 2020: Supervisor for Complexity Theory (University of Cambridge)
- Lent 2020: Supervisor for Algorithms (University of Cambridge)
- Fall 2018 - Winter 2019: TA for Computer Science Help Centre (University of Toronto)
- Winter 2017 & Winter 2018: TA for Mathematical Expression and Reasoning for Computer Science (University of Toronto)
- Fall 2016: TA for Introduction to Computer Programming (University of Toronto)