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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • PhD student

I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science studying under the supervision of Professor Alice Hutchings. My research interests include computer security, cybercrime, underground markets and data collection from various online sources.


I completed my BSc in Computer Science from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and MSc in Computer Science (Computer Systems Security track) from Vrije Universiteit and University of Amsterdam, under the supervision of Professor Fabio Massacci. My final Master's project explored the use of machine learning for vulnerability detection in source code. Before starting my PhD, I was a research assistant at the Cambridge Cybercrime Centre where I was responsible for maintenance and expansion of cybercrime related datasets containing criminal and extremist content collected from a number of forums, telegram and discord channels. Before that I worked as a research assistant at Network Institute of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam researching technical and legal requirements under the GDPR.




I have supervised or currently supervise the following courses: 

  • Cybersecurity
  • Operating Systems
  • Databases


Contact Details

Office address: 
15 JJ Thomson Ave