- PhD Student
By training I am a pure mathematician with degrees from Göttingen (2021-2023) and Cambridge (2023-2024). Beyond pure mathematics, I am increasingly interested in theoretical linguistics, Ethics in Mathematics, and mathematics education. All these I aim to pursue in my PhD at Jesus college. My supervisor is Fermín Moscoso del Prado Martín.
"If we don't look out for each other, who else will?"
My main work is on providing mathematical foundations to constraint-based frameworks for language description -- this is why I am part of the NLIP theme at the Computer lab. Please see my page at the Cambridge Language Sciences for more on my linguistic interests.
Mathematics. My mathematical interests seem to be like Swiss cheese: Ever smaller measure, but large diameter. One exception is logic, which I am interested in more broadly. Besides, my favourite topics are rings/modules and geometric function theory.
I work with Dierk Schleicher on parabolic implosion in complex dynamics and with Anders Hansen on computability of multi-valued functions with implications for AI-safety.
Ethics in Mathematics. I am interested in the ways that sociocultural context influences people's behaviour. This I pursue by thinking about how mathematics impacts our world and, more deeply, how mathematics is shaped by people's attitudes towards it, such as the way mathematics is viewed by professors teaching students. I believe that such considerations have significant social, ethical, and legal ramifications.
The issue I focus on in the moment is the impact of mathematical technology on decision making procedures, which I explore with my collaborators Zoya Yasmine, Jean-Luc Wetherall, Agnijo Banerjee, and Maurice Chiodo.
LT2025: Logic and Set Theory (Benedikt Löwe)