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Department of Computer Science and Technology

  • Professor of Security and Privacy
  • Head, Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research
  • Fellow, Trinity College

Ceci n'est pas ma page web (as Magritte might have said).

My real web page is at


Frank Stajano is Full Professor of Security and Privacy at the University of Cambridge, where he is also the Head of the GCHQ-endorsed Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research. He is a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he shares a room with Nobel laureate astrophysicist Didier Queloz. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge and a Laurea (Master) in electronic engineering from La Sapienza University of Rome. He received a prestigious ERC grant for his Pico project, a more usable and more secure alternative to passwords. His broad research goal is to make the digital society safe, secure and fair for non-geeks. His research interests include security, privacy and usability. A pioneer of IoT security, he published the book “Security for Ubiquitous Computing” for Wiley in 2002 and two of his scientific articles on this topic have over one thousand and two thousand citations respectively. To address the skills shortage in cyber, he founded and hosted national (Inter-ACE) and international (C2C aka Cambridge2Cambridge) cyber security competitions, the latter with MIT. He now serves on the steering committee of the new C2C (Country2Country) that runs under the auspices of the INCS-CoE. Before and alongside his academic career he has been a research scientist at Google, Toshiba, Oracle, Olivetti and AT&T and therefore his research retains a strong practical orientation. He is the CEO and co-founder of Cambridge Cyber, a security consultancy offering strategic advice, training and penetration testing services (open for business: givenname at At Cambridge he has taught a variety of courses spanning the whole spectrum from assembly language, hardware design and computer architecture to digital communications, algorithms and computer security. He makes his lectures freely available to all on his youtube channel, He loves explaining complex ideas and helping others reach a "lightbulb" moment. A published author and a popular public speaker, he has given invited talks in four continents and he is fluent in three languages. In his spare time he is a comics scholar with several books to his credit. A 4th dan in kendo, he trains regularly in Japan and teaches the Way of the Japanese sword at the University of Cambridge.



I run a Youtube channel, Frank Stajano Explains (.com), for students of computer science and for younger people whom I hope to inspire to become students of computer science in the future. The same lectures I give to my Cambridge students are now available to everyone in the world, at no charge. Check it out and subscribe!


See my real web page or google scholar, which is less accurate but has citation counts.

Contact Details

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