- Affiliated Researcher
- Lecturer, University of Exeter
I am currently a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Exeter. I am also an affiliated/visiting researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge. I was a Research Associate worked with Prof. Hatice Gunes from 09/2020 at the University of Cambridge. Prior to that, I obtained my PhD degree at the University of Nottingham, funded by Horizon CDT, under Prof Michel Valstar and Prof Alan Johnston's supervision.
Siyang's research interests include:
Affective Computing (Automatic mental health and personality analysis, Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation)
Human-computer Interaction
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Graph Representation Learning
Recent publications:
[1] Song, Siyang, Micol Spitale, Cheng Luo, Germán Barquero, Cristina Palmero, Sergio Escalera, Michel Valstar et al. "REACT2023: The First Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation Challenge." In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pp. 9620-9624. 2023.
[2] Song, Siyang, Zilong Shao, Shashank Jaiswal, Linlin Shen, Michel Valstar, and Hatice Gunes. "Learning Person-specific Cognition from Facial Reactions for Automatic Personality Recognition." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (2022).
[3] Luo, Cheng*, Siyang Song*, Weicheng Xie, Linlin Shen, and Hatice Gunes. "Learning multi-dimensional edge feature-based au relation graph for facial action unit recognition." IJCAI 2022 (Equal first author)
[4] Shao, Zilong, Siyang Song*, Shashank Jaiswal, Linlin Shen*, Michel Valstar, and Hatice Gunes. "Personality Recognition by Modelling Person-specific Cognitive Processes using Graph Representation." 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (2021). (Corresponding author)
[5]Song, Siyang, Shashank Jaiswal, Linlin Shen, and Michel Valstar. "Spectral representation of behaviour primitives for depression analysis." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (2020).
[6] Song, Siyang, Shashank Jaiswal, Enrique Sanchez, Georgios Tzimiropoulos, Linlin Shen, and Michel Valstar. "Self-supervised Learning of Person-specific Facial Dynamics for Automatic Personality Recognition." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (2021).
Grand Challenge and Workshop Organization:
I have been served as the chair for several international affective computing and HCI Challenges/workshops including:
Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation Challenge: IEEE FG REACT 2024 and ACM MM REACT 2023.
Pain Detection Competition at IEEE EmoPain 2020
AI Emotion and Depression Detection Competition at ACM MM AVEC 2019.
HCI: AHRI 2022 and AHRI 2023
I have also contributed as a reviewer for several top-tier international journals and conferences, including IEEE PAMI, IJCV, IEEE TAFFC, IEEE TIP, AAAI, IJCAI, CVPR, ICCV, ACM MM, and others.