- PhD Student
Interactions between technology and domestic abuse
- Uses of technology by domestic abusers (surveillance, harassment, gaslighting, etc; differences in abuse for minority groups; standard vs abusive behaviours)
- Using technology to safely access abuse support (quick exit buttons, hiding activity, contact with police etc)
- Online interactions concerning domestic abuse (advice for abusers & victims, de-escalation on forums...)
- Interventions for specific abuses of technology (Airtags/item trackers, smart doorbells,...)
- Physical security (locks, doors, people)
- Wireless security (RFID/NFC/Mifare), Wi-fi, Bluetooth
- Cryptography
- Reverse engineering
- Web security
IA Digital Electronics
IB Economics, Law, and Ethics
IB Cybersecurity
II Cryptography
Supervised 2 Part II dissertations 2022-23, co-supervised 1 MPhil dissertation 2022-23. Expecting to supervise same number in 2023-24.