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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Read more at: Can AI diagnose patients with severe respiratory tract infections?

Can AI diagnose patients with severe respiratory tract infections?

14 August 2023

Researchers using AI to identify patients at risk of developing severe respiratory tract infections have just won support from UK Research and Innovation.

Read more at: New computational method can integrate gene expression across multiple tissue types

New computational method can integrate gene expression across multiple tissue types

11 August 2023

A novel computational method for integrating gene expression across many different types of human tissue has been developed by a team including researchers here.

Read more at: New Associate Professor in Computer Security and Privacy
Martin Kleppman joins us as Associate Professor in Computer Security and Privacy in January 2024

New Associate Professor in Computer Security and Privacy

11 August 2023

We're delighted that Dr Martin Kleppmann will be joining us next year as Associate Professor in Computer Security and Privacy.

Read more at: Mobile health-monitoring device wins ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant

Mobile health-monitoring device wins ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant

27 July 2023

Many congratulations to Cecilia Mascolo, Professor of Mobile Systems, for winning an ERC Proof of Concept grant to further her work on developing in-ear devices for health monitoring.

Read more at: The life robotic: Meet the Cambridge researchers investigating how robots could help foster wellbeing in humans
The little robot Nao could help evaluate mental wellbeing in children

The life robotic: Meet the Cambridge researchers investigating how robots could help foster wellbeing in humans

19 July 2023

Researchers in the Affective Intelligence and Robotics Laboratory here are studying the potential robots have to help foster wellbeing in humans.

Read more at: Computational method produces robust roadmap of how brain regions are related
Isaac Sebenius is interested in developing new computational methods that leverage biological knowledge to address open questions related to mental health and psychiatric disorders.

Computational method produces robust roadmap of how brain regions are related

18 July 2023

Researchers using computational methods to study MRI scans say they can produce a more detailed picture of the structural architecture of the human brain than was previously possible.

Read more at: Researcher receives 'Test of Time' Award for her work on data stream processing

Researcher receives 'Test of Time' Award for her work on data stream processing

17 July 2023

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has honoured a researcher here for her work on the efficient use of cloud resources for data stream processing.

Read more at: Award for advancing the sensing capabilities of in-ear devices

Award for advancing the sensing capabilities of in-ear devices

11 July 2023

A former PhD student here has won the ACM SIGMOBILE Doctoral Dissertation Runner-up Award for his research into the use of wearable devices for health monitoring.

Read more at: Free places for UK teachers at computing education conference

Free places for UK teachers at computing education conference

10 July 2023

UK-based teachers of computing subjects can apply for a free place at a leading computing education conference that we and the Raspberry Pi Foundation are hosting in Cambridge this September.

Read more at: Welcoming prospective students at the 2023 Open Days
Our Outreach Administrator Aga is one of those who will be welcoming prospective undergraduates to the Department during our Open Days

Welcoming prospective students at the 2023 Open Days

6 July 2023

We're holding Open Days on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 July when we're welcoming in prospective undergraduate students and their parents.