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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Read more at: Computer Lab to host conference for policy making in the Big Data era

Computer Lab to host conference for policy making in the Big Data era

8 December 2014

The Computer Laboratory will host the ' Policy-Making in the Big Data Era ' conference in June 2015.

The conference committee invites contributions from researchers, policy makers, practitioners in industry and all other stakeholders to explore the latest developments and potentials in policy-making...

Read more at: EDSAC project reaches key milestone

EDSAC project reaches key milestone

27 November 2014

A project to recreate EDSAC has reached a key milestone.

The project is being led by Dr Andrew Herbert who, early in his career, worked at the Computer Laboratory under EDSAC's designer Sir Maurice Wilkes.

The work on the recreated EDSAC is due for completion in late 2015.

Read more at: Lab PhD wins Best Student Paper Award

Lab PhD wins Best Student Paper Award

16 November 2014

Marwa Mahmoud has been awarded the Best Student Paper award at the 2014 ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014).

The paper on 'Autonomatic detection of naturalistic hand-over-face gesture descriptors' is joint work with Tadas Baltrušaitis and Peter Robinson in the Rainbow Graphics and...

Read more at: Lab PhD wins Ubicomp 2014 Best Paper Award

Lab PhD wins Ubicomp 2014 Best Paper Award

16 September 2014

Chloe Brown has received the Best Paper Award at the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2014).

The paper "The architecture of innovation: Tracking face-to-face interactions with ubicomp technologies" is joint work with Christos Efstratiou, Ilias...

Read more at: September edition of 'The Ring' now online

September edition of 'The Ring' now online

15 September 2014

The September edition of ' The Ring ' is now available.

Please contact for more information on the Computer Laboratory's graduate association.

Read more at: Java 8 in Action, co-authored by the Lab's Prof Alan Mycroft and Raoul-Gabriel Urma, released

Java 8 in Action, co-authored by the Lab's Prof Alan Mycroft and Raoul-Gabriel Urma, released

18 August 2014

Java 8 in Action , co-authored by the Computer Laboratory's Professor Alan Mycroft and PhD student Raoul-Gabriel Urma, along with Mario Fusco, has been released.

The book is a clearly written guide to the new features of Java 8. The book covers lambdas, streams, and functional-style programming.

Read more at: Computer Laboratory hosts 2014 GNU Tools Cauldron

Computer Laboratory hosts 2014 GNU Tools Cauldron

23 July 2014

The 2014 GNU Tools Cauldron was recently held at the Computer Laboratory (July 18-20). The event brought together researchers and developers working on the GNU Tool Chain (the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), the GNU Debugger (GDB) and the GNU binary utilities) and was the largest ever such meeting, with...

Read more at: Lab PhDs awarded Google European Doctoral Fellowship

Lab PhDs awarded Google European Doctoral Fellowship

19 June 2014

Congratulations to Flora Ponjou Tasse and Ionel Gog who have been awarded a Google Europe Fellowship .

Flora, a PhD student in the Graphics and Interaction Research Group under the supervision of Professor Neil Dodgson , has been awarded a Fellowship in Computer Graphics.

Ionel, a PhD student in...

Read more at: Professor Andy Hopper featured in the Sunday Times list of the 100 most influential Britons of the 21st century

Professor Andy Hopper featured in the Sunday Times list of the 100 most influential Britons of the 21st century

24 March 2014

Andy Hopper , Head of Department and Professor of Computer Technology, has been named in an illustrious list of Britain's 100 most influential movers and shakers of the 21st century.

The list, published by The Sunday Times, includes scientists, artists, architects, sports people and politicos.

Read more at: Professor Andy Hopper named one of the UK’s 100 leading practising scientists

Professor Andy Hopper named one of the UK’s 100 leading practising scientists

17 February 2014

Andy Hopper, Professor of Computer Technology and Head of Department, has been named in the Science Council's list of the country’s 100 leading practising scientists.