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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Friday, 16 February, 2024 - 13:00 to 14:00
Anaïs Berkes, University of Cambridge
FW11, William Gates Building. Zoom link:

In this presentation, we present findings derived using two innovative tools, SPAGHETTI and RISOTTO, which investigate the synergistic potential of bidirectional electric vehicles (EVs), photovoltaic (PV) solar power, and the flexibility afforded by working from home (WFH). Through the synthetic generation of EV usage patterns and a combined sizing and operation framework, these tools provide novel insights into how contemporary homeowners can optimise energy usage and contribute towards a more sustainable future. Our analysis demonstrates considerable benefits, such as improved energy efficiency, a reduced carbon footprint, and enhanced grid stability, highlighting the significance of these synergies in influencing policy modifications. Policymakers should recognise and promote the adoption of such integrated energy management approaches, capitalising on the interconnected advantages of bidirectional EVs, solar energy, and remote working. This talk aims to illuminate the transformative potential of these technologies and practices, advocating for their inclusion in the development of future sustainable urban planning and policy-making.


Anaïs Berkes is a first-year PhD Student and Gates Scholar in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge.

Seminar series: 
Energy and Environment Group

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