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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Tuesday, 28 November, 2023 - 14:00 to 15:00
David Khachaturov, University of Cambridge
Webinar & FW11, Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building.

Visual adversarial examples have so far been restricted to pixel-level image manipulations in the digital world or have required sophisticated equipment such as 2D or 3D printers to be produced in the physical real world. We present the first ever method of generating human-producible adversarial examples for the real world that requires nothing more complicated than a marker pen. We call them adversarial tags. First, building on top of differential rendering, we demonstrate that it is possible to build potent adversarial examples with just lines. We find that by drawing just 4 lines we can disrupt a YOLO-based model in 54.8% of cases; increasing this to 9 lines disrupts 81.8% of the cases tested. Next, we devise an improved method for line placement to be invariant to human drawing error. We evaluate our system thoroughly in both digital and analogue worlds and demonstrate that our tags can be applied by untrained humans. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for producing real-world adversarial examples by conducting a user study where participants were asked to draw over printed images using digital equivalents as guides. We further evaluate the effectiveness of both targeted and untargeted attacks, and discuss various trade-offs and method limitations, as well as the practical and ethical implications of our work.
Meeting ID: 824 0878 9107
Passcode: 334553

RECORDING : Please note, this event will be recorded and will be available after the event for an indeterminate period under a CC BY -NC-ND license. Audience members should bear this in mind before joining the webinar or asking questions.

Seminar series: 
Security Seminar

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