We aim to create an inclusive and enjoyable experience for everyone participating in our events. To ensure this, we kindly ask all attendees to adhere to our Code of Conduct for online events:
- Please note that the event may be recorded. Your microphone and camera will remain off during the session. You can interact with the presenter(s) via the Q&A feature or the chat function (though this may be disabled for some events).
- Please do not record or take screenshots of the session. Where possible, recorded sessions will be uploaded to our YouTube channel.
- Please join the webinars on time. While we’ll make every effort to accommodate latecomers, we cannot guarantee participation for those who arrive late.
- Please keep your webinar log-in details private. This helps us ensure that only registered participants can attend.
- Treat presenters and fellow participants with respect at all times.
- If anything during the event that concerns you, please alert us by emailing outreach-coordinator@cast.cam.ac.uk.
- Participants who fail to follow the Code of Conduct may be removed from the session.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy the event!