Returning Carers Fund
Dr Laura Rimell is a Senior Research Associate in the Natural Language Processing Group. She recently took part in the Returning Carers Scheme run by the University. This scheme provides funding to aid the development of academic and research staff following a break in their career or a period of leave for caring responsibilities.
Laura has been a member of the Natural Language and Information Processing Group at the Computer Laboratory since2009, working on projects funded by the EPRSC, the EU 7th Framework Programme, and the ERC. In 2015 she received funds from the Returning Carers Scheme to collect data for a pilot study on improving the accuracy of natural language parsers, which analyse the grammatical structure of sentences. She used the Returning Carers Scheme funds to collect crowdsourced decisions about the meaning of ambiguous phrases in sentences from a corpus of text. Laura will now be able to use the data collected during the pilot study to support future funding applications.
Applications for the seventh round will be launched on 1 August 2016 with a closing date of 30 September 2016. This will cover applications for funding from 1 February 2017 to 31 July 2017. Further details and to apply...
Flexible Working Options
The most common forms of flexible working arrangements currently in the Department are:
- part-time working
- job share
- flexitime
Graduated Return from Maternity Leave Scheme
A graduated return allows a member of staff to return to work following maternity or adoption leave initially for a minimum 20% of full-time. It is expected that the member of staff will then increase their hours over the following 12 months, e.g. rising to 50 per cent or more within 6 months and be back to full-time within 12 months following their initial date of return.