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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Tuesday, 5 March, 2024 - 14:00 to 15:00
Alessandro Montanari, Nokia Bell Labs
LT2 and online

Abstract: In recent years, the evolution of earables has transcended beyond its initial scope of merely augmenting our listening experience to play a pivotal role in monitoring and managing our health and wellbeing. This seminar delves into the transformative journey of earable devices, highlighting their increasing utility in the healthcare domain. We will explore a comprehensive study that identifies the optimal placement of Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors in and around the ear, a location pivotal for accurate health monitoring. Moreover, the seminar will introduce innovative techniques for unobtrusively monitoring blood pressure via earables, showcasing the potential for these devices to offer vital health insights without impeding the user's daily activities. This seminar offers a comprehensive overview of the current achievements and future possibilities in the field of earable technology, inviting participants to envision a future where earables could help manage our health.

Bio: Alessandro Montanari is a principal research scientist in the Pervasive Systems Department at Nokia Bell Labs, leading the Device Forms team. He works on the architectural and algorithmic challenges of building next-generation wearable systems for human sensing, exploiting ultra-low-power machine learning and advanced signal processing.

please note change of place and time from usual. Zoom:
Seminar series: 
Mobile and Wearable Health Seminar Series