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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Friday, 17 February, 2023 - 13:00 to 14:00
Fiodar Kazhamiaka - Microsoft
Room FW 11, Willam Gates Hall. Zoom link:


The Azure cloud platform is evolving to reduce carbon emissions by an order of magnitude. This effort is divided across many initiatives, including research on hardware/software systems. This talk will discuss the projects being pursued by systems researchers at Azure, and their expected carbon impacts. I will also talk briefly about the changes to cloud platforms expected in the near future (eg. for AI), and motivate research challenges in this space.

Bio: Fiodar Kazhamiaka is a Researcher at Microsoft Azure. He works on hardware, software infrastructure, and resource management to decrease the carbon emissions and improve the power efficiency of datacenters.


Seminar series: 
Energy and Environment Group

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