The University has a Food Safety Policy..
It uses the technical term: Reputable Supplier/Caterer for Local Authority Registered Supplier/Caterer
and the confusing term:
Registered Catering Provider for University Registered Catering Provider
(the Registration scheme is not yet in place).
Having discussed our various requirements with the University Food Safety Officer, the following is a summary of the various catering activities we do ourselves, and what the policy says about them:
- Coffee and biscuits: 'Low risk', so just basic hygiene
- Group Lunches: 'individual consumption', so explicitly excluded
- Supervisors' Welcome: 'private function' as not a Departmental event, so just basic hygiene
- Christmas Party: 'Low risk' food only, so just basic hygiene.
For external catering, until the list of Registered Catering Providers has been set up, we should send any provider the University Policy, and get them to confirm by email or in writing that they conform to it.
Please could anyone involved in any catering activity not covered by the above contact the Departmental Safety Officer.
See also:
Using the department's barbecue