To summon First Aid help, first try phoning Reception on 63500. They have the AED, and methods to contact First Aiders.
The department's trained and equipped first aiders are:
- Piete Brooks (GC16, 34659)
- Martin McDonnell (GW09, 63696)
- Ali Digby (GW04), 63662)
- Helen Neal (GC04, 34420)
- Helen Scarborough (GC03, 34609)
- Anna Chop (GC03, 63581)
- Joy Rook (FS03, 34652)
A list of First Aiders and their contact details is also posted:
- by each First Aid box
- on the Health and Safety Noticeboard by the south stairs near Lecture Theatre 2 and the Student Entrance
- on the Student Administration Notice Board opposite the lifts.
The first aiders rooms and other locations can be found on the Ground floor plan.
Please read the notices and remember the nearest ones to the places where you work.
If in doubt, phone Reception on 63500, tell them where you are, and ask for a First Aider to attend.
It is recommended that a First aider is summoned for any serious injury which requires medical attention.
They will then decide if an ambulance needs to be called.
Outside office hours phone University Security on 101 (from university phones) or 01223 767444 or call the Emergency Services
If anyone has an existing condition about which they would like to make First Aiders aware, please email Safety-officer.
First aid equipment
Each First Aider has a private First Aid box, and public boxes are located:
- at the the eastern end of the central corridors just west of the eastern corridor
- in Reception
- in the First Aid Room, GE09, just north of the junction of GC and GE
If one is used, please contact someone to report the incident, and to allow the box to be re-stocked. Even if no first aid equipment is used, please report any incident.
In the event of suspected heart attack, trained first aiders may need information on using defibrillators.
First aid room
The first aid room is located on the ground floor (GE09).
Access to this room is limited to first aiders and should be kept locked except for when it is in use.
People should only be in this room under the supervision of a first aider.
The room contains 2 beds and a chair, for those who are injured and unwell to rest.
It also includes a first aid kit, gloves, sink and further first aid supplies.