If you spot an incident that requires medical attention, please contact one of the first aiders via Reception at 63500.
Whilst you maybe trained in first aid outside of the University, you are not expected to offer more than basic first aid, e.g. compress on a cut, until a trained first aider arrives.
Your role is to ensure help is called for and comfort the injured until that help arrives, offering any information about the incident as is required by the firstaider.
If the injured needs moving to the first aid room, or an ambulance is required, the first aider will attend to this as necessary.
Please ensure that any incident requiring medical attention either from a first aid box, or ambulance call-out is reported to Reception, especially if it occurs out-of-hours.
Out of hours first aid
If you cannot contact a departmental firstaider directly, try:
- NHS 111 (free service for urgent medical help in non-life-threatening situations) OR
- Accident and Emergency (A&E) at Addenbrookes Hospital OR
- Contact the patients GP, if known OR
- Call 999 for immediate, life-threatening emergencies
First aid boxes
First aid boxes are located:
- at the the eastern end of the central corridors just west of the eastern corridor
- in Reception
- in the First Aid Room, GE09, just north of the junction of GC and GE
See the floor guide for help with locations.
These boxes contain a selection of plasters, creams and bandages, as expected.
If equipment from the box is used, please contact a first aider or Reception to report the incident, and to allow the box to be re-stocked
Cleaning up after incidents
After an incident, dispose of any rubbish and low hazard materials as normal.
Any hazardardous materials should be put in yellow bags and taken to Stores for safe disposal.
If there are any serious spillages or simlar, contact Building Services, who have suitable materials and solutions to deal with these.
If outside office hours, absorbant crystals, a plastic scraper and paper towling are available from the First Aid Room (GE09).