It is everyone's responsibility to carry out Risk Assessments for all tasks which they perform. This should be checked by the persons supervisor, mentor or host.
For graduates
For graduate students, the safety office run a safety course for new graduate students on Risk Assessment.
For staff and other students
For staff and other students, as the Safety Office has not finished its guidelines, see the HSE guide and form Five steps to risk assessment (pdf).
You may need the:
- printed copies, available in Reception
- online pdf form published by Physics.
An initial attempt at a 'std Lab form has been developed as a word document, and and HTML document.
Once risks are identified
Once risks are identified, measures should be taken to minimise them.
In many cases, training in the correct procedures is appropriate, such as attending a Manual Handling Course.
This can be arranged through the line manager, Safety Committee Secretary or the DSO (dates of internal courses are available on the SO training page).
In other cases the task may need to be rearranged to remove certain risks. If appropriate, Personal Protective Equipment may be needed, such as gloves, safety glasses, or harnesses.
It is the individual's responsibility to ensure that the measures are used to minimise the risk.