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Department of Computer Science and Technology


There are are many other intitiatives and projects that aim to help and support women within Computer Science, here are some national and international initiatives that we have become aware of:


  • The British Computer Society (BCS)

    BCS is the leading professional body for those working in IT. They have over 65,000 members in more than 100 countries and are the qualifying body for Chartered IT Professionals (CITP). They are also an international awarding body for a wide range of qualifications for both users of IT and IT specialists.

    BCS Women: The BCS Specialist Group that provides networking opportunities for all BCS professional women working in IT around the world. The Group's main objective is to provide support for female IT professionals, as well as mentoring and encouraging girls/women to enter IT as a career.

  • The Equality and Human Rights Commission

    The Equality and Human Rights Commission is the leading agency working to eliminate sex discrimination in 21st Century Britain. They've compiled some guidance on the law in Britain, news articles and statistics on Women in Employment as well as details of their campaigns and policies.

  • Equalitec

    Equalitec aims to address the problem of recruitment and retention of more women in the Information Technology, Electronics and Communications industries by bringing together relevant information for Women, Companies and Higher Education institutions. On this site you will find examples of global best practice, case studies, mentoring information, work-life balance and the Placements Database for female undergraduates.

  • UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology

    The UKRC for Women in SET works to significantly improve the participation and position of women in science, engineering and technology occupations in industry, research, academia and public service to benefit the future productivity of the UK and the lifetime earnings and career aspirations of women. It is the UK’s leading Centre providing information and advisory services to employers and organisations in the SET sectors and supporting women entering, returning and progressing in these fields.

  • e-skills UK's Computer Clubs for Girls

    Over the past 3 years, e-skills UK Computer Clubs for Girls (CC4G) has changed the way girls think about technology and IT careers. CC4G are fun and informal out-of-school-hours clubs designed to engage young girls in IT and transform their attitudes towards technology-related careers. The clubs provide 10 to 14 year old girls with creative and interactive activities which focus on their areas of interest such as fashion, celebrity and music.

  • Systers™ Initiative

    Systers is the world's largest email community of technical women in computing. It was founded by Anita Borg in 1987 as a small electronic mailing list for women in "systems". Today, Systers broadly promotes the interests of women in the computing and technology fields

  • MentorSET

    MentorSET is a UK-based initiative organised jointly by two well-established organisations, the Women's Engineering Society and AWiSE (the Association for Women in Science and Engineering). MentorSET aims to increase the number of women who can maintain their SET careers, and realise their full potential. It aims to connect women in SET with independent mentors who can offer advice and guidance about the issues important to them; mentors who can help with self development, suggest networking opportunities and empower mentees to make their own decisions and turn these into actions.


  • ACM-W

    ACM-W is the ACM Committee on Women in Computing. It celebrates, informs and supports women in computing, and works with the ACM-W community of computer scientists, educators, employers and policy makers to improve working and learning environments for women.

  • CRA-W

    The goal of the CRA Committee on the Status of Women in Computing research (CRA-W) is to take positive action to increase the number of women participating in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) research and education at all levels.

  • Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology

    We are women technologists. We use technology to connect our communities. We create technology because it is who we are — intelligent, creative and driven. We lead with compassion and a belief in inclusion. We develop competitive products and find solutions to problems that impact our lives, our nation, our world. Together, through the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI), we are inventing a better future. Working with men that believe in our mission, we are changing the world for women and technology.

  • Computer Science Teachers Association

    The Computer Science Teachers Association is a membership organization that supports and promotes the teaching of computer science and other computing disciplines.

  • Women@SCS

    Women@SCS' mission is to create, encourage, and support women's academic, social and professional opportunities in the computer sciences and to promote the breadth of the field and its diverse community. The Women@SCS Advisory Committee consists of undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty within the School of Computer Science.