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Department of Computer Science and Technology


Graphics, Vision and Imaging Science research theme logo

The areas of computer graphics, computer vision and imaging science address creating, capturing, rendering, and analyzing visual information in the forms of 2D/3D images, geometry, appearance, deformation, and motion models.

The tasks of computer graphics and vision are profoundly related.  While computer graphics considers the forward problem of generating images and video from a description of a scene, computer vision considers the inverse problem of recovering and understanding scene properties from images and video. We utilize machine learning to exploit this duality and develop effective systems for digitizing and interacting with the visual world.

We build tools involving novel software and hardware components to tackle some of the fundamental problems of computer graphics, vision, and imaging. Our research often involves working with capture and display technologies, such as motion capture sensors, cameras, prototype displays, augmented and virtual reality headsets, or humanoid robots.

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