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Department of Computer Science and Technology


Providing end-of course feedback

Student feedback regarding teaching at the end of each lecture course.

Urgent teaching-related issues (Teaching Hotline)

The fast feedback button (via this link).  Highlight an issue, anonymously if you wish.

Non-urgent teaching-related issues

The Moodle feedback forum (via this link) for raising a non-urgent issue.  Note: Non-urgent issues can also be raised via email to:

Undergraduate teaching:

Postgraduate teaching:

Staff-Student Consultative Forum

A meeting where student representatives and staff discuss issues arising from the course.  Meeting minutes can be found via this link.

Student feedback documentation from SSCoF, with department response will be stored on Moodle.

Postgraduate Students Forum

For issues particularly affecting MPhil and PhD students.

Breaking the silence

Preventing harassment and sexual misconduct.